Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @JulieBroadbent ...

You might be able to accomplish something similar to what you had in Blackboard by using Assignment Groups in your Canvas course.  You would first set up the Assignment Groups on your "Assignments" index page, and then you would put the assignments that you want to be in that running total within the Assignment Group that you had created.  Then, in your "Grades" page, you'd scroll all the way over to the right, and you'd have a new column with the same name as the Assignment Group name that you created.  For example, you might have an Assignment Group called "Quizzes" and another Assignment Group called "Essays".  Assignment Groups can also be weighted (so Quizzes might be 25% of the total grade and Essays might be 75% of the total grade).  Students can then go to their own "Grades" page and view this Assignment Group name that you created.

Do you think this might work for your needs?  Keep us posted...thanks!


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