Unsubmitted assignments getting zeroes added incorrectly in Canvas

Community Participant

Unsubmitted assignments are being assigned a zero in our Canvas gradebook, lowering some students’ current grades to an incorrect percentage. However, this is only happening for some students on certain assignments. Also, I don’t believe it is happening in all our currently-active courses.

The assignments that are getting zeroes:

  1. Have not yet submitted by the students
  2. Are not yet past their due date

We have assignments set to automatically get a zero if they are past their due date, but since these assignments are due on future dates, I don’t think that could be the problem here.

Does anyone know what might be happening here, and how to resolve the issue?

It is a serious problem for us because students and faculty are asking why the grades are incorrect. The only way we know how to fix is to manually delete all the zeroes, which is too time-consuming. Also, after we did that, they were added again.

We also filed a ticket directly to Canvas with more specific details, but sometimes in the past we have gotten quicker responses from this forum, so I wanted to ask here also.

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