Student Confusion on Assignment Submission Page

Community Participant

We switched to the Assignment Redesign in mid-January. Since we switched, we have seen an increase in student calls/chats to our Help Desk and faculty in the following areas:

1. The Turnitin End User Agreement box is small and easily missed by students. The Submit Assignment button functionality is disabled until this end-user agreement is clicked; however, there is no information telling students this is why the button is disabled. In the previous assignment submission design, students were told that they needed to click this end-user agreement prior to submission. Is there any plan to add this information when the Submit Assignment button is disabled so that students are directed toward the end-user agreement?

2. File uploads render in a different location with a very small font with a small green check mark instead of a larger box on the right. This new location and size of the upload confirmation are easily overlooked and cause an increase in submissions by the student and call volume to our Help Desk. Are there any plans to increase the size and/or location of the verification of the file upload?

3. Assignment status wheel is confusing to students. They see submitting the assignment as the last stage on the assignment page. Since the wheel sees this as step 2 out of 3, students are resubmitting assignments trying to get that wheel to close. Are there any plans to update this or clarify the steps more clearly to the students?

4. After the initial submission of an assignment, the submit button changes to "Try Again". This language is confusing to students who are not sure they submitted the file correctly. They think Canvas is telling them to "Try Again" instead of seeing this button as another submission attempt. Are there any plans to retitle this button to avoid student confusion?

5. Screen resolution determines how much the student sees with the smaller font in this redesign. This exasperates some of the aforementioned issues. Are there any future plans addressing this concern?

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