Outcome formatting

Community Participant

Problem - New outcomes format streamlines the rubric which is great but there is no way to customize beyond that. 
This is causing a huge headache as I outline rubrics as steps and cannot cleanly write in the steps a student needs to take to reach the criteria. 

I tried to format it into a table to get around this but it just shows up as a block of confusing text for students. 
I gave them a copy of a spread sheet with the information but that kind of ruins the point of them having a quick access point when working on an assignment.

Additionally, the max steps I have is four but some criteria is only 3 or 2 so it is confusing that they all show up with four.

Allow teachers to customize what is displayed for the outcomes again.
I like that I don't have to change the mastery names and can do that all in one place but it is frustrating that I cannot adjust the information for students accordingly anymore.

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