How long do you keep student user data in Canvas before deleting it?

Community Contributor

My school (high school) has been using Canvas for close to 10 years now.  This is my fifth year working at the school.  To the best of my knowledge, I have never deleted a student user as we want to retain the data i.e. grades, etc.  I am curious as to what other high schools do.  The final course grades from Canvas at the end of each semester are imported into our SIS for Report Cards, so if we were to delete users from Canvas, it would not affect our report cards at all.

So if you're an Canvas admin at a high school how long do you keep users in Canvas before deleting them?  If a student left/graduated high school, they are no longer using Canva, is there any point of retaining that user data?  I would hope deleting the data four years after a student left/graduated would be a safe bet.  While I plan to ask my school administration, I wanted to post here to see what others have to say.



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