Reattach Profile Picture to Imported/Copied Courses

Community Participant

Is there a way to reattach profile pictures to copied/imported course announcements?

As you all know, Canvas strips out your profile picture from announcements that are copied into a new course. I get it. They want to prevent careless instructors from copying others' announcements and students being confused about who is saying what. So all imported announcement pictures display a blue U, which looks unprofessional.

Every semester for every course I consequently have to copy-and-paste and reschedule every scheduled announcement in every one of my course. It's a big waste of time. It defeats the purpose of auto-adjusting dates and times between imported courses. And it's a potential source for introducing errors.

Is there a way to edit an existing imported/copied announcement to tell Canvas: "yes, I mean it, this is mine, please put my picture back on it?"

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