Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni


Based on what you're stating, you and your colleagues create course content, in this case studio quizzes, export the course from Canvas, and then re-import the course export package into another user's course shell. I tested this process and it seems to work within a singular instance for the video itself, but it wouldn't work across multiple instances unfortunately, as when you embed a studio video into a Canvas course, you're adding a link to the studio video, and that video is still within your instance of Canvas, but not theirs.

As an aside, you can tell you're in a different instance of Canvas when you look at the URL of the site; for example, is it's own instance, but is a different instance. Sometimes one instance can have multiple names, but generally that's used for vanity purposes.

If you and your colleagues are not able to see each other through the "share media" option in Studio, like in this guide, it's likely you are in separate instances. If that's the case, you will have to download the video from studio, and then provide it to your colleagues for them to re-upload it to their studio, but video quizzes are not transferable through this method either.

It also looks like this has come up in an archived idea request in the past, but hasn't yet been made into a feature in Canvas.

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