Activity Feed
- Posted Opening Module selectively on Canvas Question Forum. 07-11-2022 12:29 PM
- Posted Re: Automatic zero in gradebook after a date on Canvas Ideas. 05-27-2015 09:54 AM
- Liked Automatic zero in gradebook after a date for stephanie_pope. 05-27-2015 09:51 AM
- Liked Attendance Overhaul for kona. 05-08-2015 11:01 AM
- Liked Printable / PDF-exportable quizzes for seth. 05-08-2015 11:00 AM
- Liked [Calendar] Import calendar from ICS file for Beth_Young. 05-08-2015 10:59 AM
- Liked Treat zeros as ungraded for both teacher and student views for JACOBSEN_C. 05-08-2015 10:59 AM
- Liked [Calendar] Change "available until" date when assignment is dragged in the calendar for Beth_Young. 05-08-2015 10:58 AM
- Liked @ mentions in Discussion forums for hollands. 05-08-2015 10:57 AM
- Liked Remove the Dashes from the Score Box in Quizzes and Exams for Beth_Young. 05-08-2015 10:56 AM
- Liked Improve Grade One Question at a time for anthonem. 05-08-2015 10:56 AM
- Liked [Inbox] Add rich-content editor to Conversations for seth. 05-08-2015 10:55 AM
- Liked See which students have viewed a particular page or activity and when for Beth_Young. 05-08-2015 10:55 AM
- Liked Put everything with a deadline into the to-do list for Beth_Young. 05-08-2015 10:54 AM