My Posts
Can anyone tell me, when I create the analytics account, in Property Settings, Default URL, should I be using our DNS name (vanity URL) or our <DOMAIN
Hi Jeff, I would have never thought to look at tabs. It worked like a charm. Note that under the PUT call to update a tab for course there is a note
Hi. Does anyone know if there is there a property that will set the order of the menu item in course nav?
I see an API to create an error report, but I don't see one access an error report. In fact, when I plug the error_report_id into https://MYDOMAIN.ins
Lindy, If you're using Linux, don't bother with PowerShell. Install CanvasDataCLI from GitHub - instructure/canvas-data-cli: Command line tool to c
I'm joining the conversation as we will be working on this very soon.
Tyler, How do you connect with Postman?
Hi Tyler, That great info. Is there any chance I could see an example of your API call to enable_sis_reactivation for a user? Thank you.
Hi, I am creating and testing API calls to delete and undelete courses for our SIS integration. I can delete courses, undelete courses, I can reset th
Hello, I use Perl and Canvas APIs to do all my SIS work. Here are some examples: Create a course: /usr/bin/curl -s 'https://$DOMAIN.instructure.