Activity Feed
- Got a Like for Re: Hiding internal course links when printing. 08-06-2020 02:58 AM
- Got a Like for Re: Hiding internal course links when printing. 08-06-2020 02:58 AM
- Liked [New Quizzes] Create Item Banks from MSWord for rledda. 11-26-2019 12:43 PM
- Liked Add a field for Pronouns to the Profile Page for cifuller. 11-19-2019 02:09 PM
- Got a Like for Hiding internal course links when printing. 06-18-2019 03:08 AM
- Liked Getting Started with Digital Badges for dejonghed07. 01-10-2019 09:38 AM
- Liked [Notifications] Automatic Notification for changes in course enrollment status for scott_geddes. 08-20-2018 08:10 AM
- Got a Like for Hiding internal course links when printing. 06-19-2018 07:44 AM
- Liked Re: Hiding internal course links when printing for James. 06-18-2018 02:17 PM
- Liked Tips for Designing and Maintaining Blueprint Courses for kblack. 11-27-2017 03:08 PM
- Liked Canvas Production Release Notes (2017-10-28) for erinhmcmillan. 10-23-2017 07:39 PM
- Liked Regrade quiz when deleting questions for ggd356. 06-28-2017 09:44 AM
- Liked [ARCHIVED] SIS Integrations with IMS ILS 2.0 for Colleague ILP for amcallister. 06-16-2017 12:02 PM
- Liked [Inbox] Email (message) multiple classes at one time for emalates. 02-27-2017 01:01 PM
- Liked Adjust all assignment and quiz dates on a single page for harris60. 01-30-2017 07:22 AM
- Liked Order Discussion Posts from Newest to Oldest for canvas_admin. 11-17-2016 01:58 PM
- Liked Making feedback more visible to students for dfdimatt. 11-17-2016 11:03 AM
- Liked Engaging Students in Online Courses for snugent. 10-03-2016 08:23 AM
- Liked Canvas Commons Preview for kbeimfohr. 04-06-2016 10:08 AM
- Liked Course Archive Process for tyler_clair. 03-31-2016 12:29 PM