Quiz Results/Statistics by section

  This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas


I want to be able to see a quiz summary per and by section.



  Comments from Instructure


For more information on the release of this feature, and others, please review the Canvas Production Release Notes (2015-10-31)

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This idea is now open for voting.

Community Novice

The lack of this feature negatively impacts our large-enrollment courses, in particular. My feature idea for this was archived, but I'm re-stating our need for this feature here:


To allow instructors to view and/or download quiz responses by section.


Instructors of large enrollment courses are unable to view or download quiz responses by section. The current process is to download the full Student Analysis report, which has all student submissions from all sections. The problems with this are:

  1. This takes some time and can sometimes lead the application it is being opened in to crash due to the size of the file.

  2. Attempting to sort the file by section is complicated by the fact that each student belongs to two different sections, which is often the case for large-enrollment classes, as they are enrolled in both the lecture and the discussion section. So, there are two sections entered for each student, which seems to be randomly ordered, see screenshot:


    Because of this random ordering, sorting the column alphabetically will not list it by section. In the example above, the results will first list the cells that begin with "ECON 1 DIS", and then "ECON 1 LEC".

    It would stand to reason that if they were ordered alphabetically, that DIS sections would always appear before the LEC sections, but that is not the case. Per Canvas L2: "Looking over the sections for each student, it looks like the sections match how the sections are listed on the user's account." It is unclear why the section ordering is set that way in the user's account.

Regardless, it's clear that this process does not work for getting the quiz results by section, and that the ideal situation would be to have the feature what would allow viewing and/or downloading of results by section in the first place so that instructors, especially of large-enrollment courses, are not left with the tedious administrative task of sorting through a report that is already difficult to read. We have many large-enrollment courses at UC Berkeley that are using Canvas, several of which serve 500+ students. Anything that can be done to make their experience more efficient so that they can focus on instructional work and helping students learn would be most appreciated.


Other feature idea requesting the same or similar functionality have been archived. They can be found here:

I wanted to bring it up again because not only is it an issue with our large courses, but also because it is a part of the larger, ongoing difficulties that instructors, whether or not they are teaching large courses, are experiencing with the system due to limited section control within Canvas.

Community Member

This would also be great to have on the Moderate Quiz section.  A simple drop down like on the grade book to only see a particular section.

Community Member

I agree that this feature is needed, along with a way to moderate by section.  I often review the quiz statistics with my students as a re-teach opportunity, but it would be more powerful if they only saw how their particular class did.  My building has just transitioned to Canvas this year, and many teachers have complained about the quiz stats feature, as we were able to moderate/view stats by section on several other platforms.

Community Novice

Agreed this feature is really needed!  We are often asked to disaggregate the data by class period.  Currently it is nearly impossible to do!

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This idea has been developed and is available on Canvas Beta How do I access the Canvas beta environment?

For more information, please read through the Canvas Beta Release Notes (2015-10-19)

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This Feature is Complete!

For more information on the release of this feature, and others, please review the Canvas Production Release Notes (2015-10-31)


Thank you to sedwards, Deactivated user,  @robert_wakelyn  and 1086095  for submitting

Additional thanks to, beynercz,  @lpfister , Deactivated user, tsanchez, and  @BradMoser   for your contributions. Your investment in this idea helped refine a feature which is now part of the Canvas! Smiley Happy

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Status changed to: New
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Status changed to: Completed