Ability to download and save all feedback in Speedgrader not just annotated work in DocViewer [Crocodoc]


A number of institutional courses are accredited through external bodies who require samples and evidence of students work that has been marked, displays the grade and feedback. 

The current scenario of only being able to download annotated work through DocViewer [Crocodoc] is not sufficient and excludes any feedback provided through the ability to use comments. The workaround of having to take screenshots and copying and pasting this evidence is particularly cumbersome. There must surely be other institutions that have to comply with these regulatory frameworks. 

There is also the additional benefit of students being able to download and retain copies of their work which has been annotated, graded and provides feedback which can be saved to a location outside of the VLE.  

Community Champion

 @kate_bridgeman , this is a compelling idea -- especially how you articulated that exported annotations need to fit together with standard SpeedGrader assignments comments somehow, both for institutional analysis and for student takeaways. I'd argue rubric assessments are another type of feedback which should be included.

Canvas Studio‌ has some norms around feature ideas needing to be self-contained and not "kitchen sink" ideas. After taking a quick look around, I'll posit that what's self-contained about this idea is the notion that different feedback types/channels need to fit together coherently when exported. It's possible others may disagree.

Here are related ideas which may intersect with yours, but which aren't exactly the same. To build momentum in voting - as well as to share yoru take on institutional needs and student needs for exporting or archiving -- consider commenting on these ideas which are currently in Product Radar

Community Explorer

Thank you for responding as your feedback is really useful. I had searched for similar queries but didn’t stumble across any of the links you have pointed me towards.

Much appreciated.



Community Contributor

Hi Kate

I don't know if it's possible to amend the title of a feature once it's live, but it might be good to update this to remove the  "not just annotated work in Crocodoc" element now that Crocodoc has been superseded by DocViewer - it may lead people to not view/vote if they think the idea has become outdated.

There is a separate feature in progress to reinstate the original annotation download functionality: https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/8898-docviewer-instructor-feedback-download" modifiedtitle="tr..., but this only serves to take download capabilities back to their previous state and not build on them as per your idea here.

SpeedGrader has such a rich suite of feedback tools, and I'd be surprised if student demand to be able to collate all types of feedback outside of the VLE is a new thing (across the sector/pond?). Hope to hear more from the community on this one!



Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Done. Smiley Happy

Community Contributor

Yay nice one Stephanie!    Smiley Happy

Community Member

'stumble across' exactly equates to my experience of searching for related ideas and questions in the Canvas community!

Community Participant

This function is vital and must be prioritised.  It will also help for parents to be able to be better informed on their child's learning.  

Community Member

It would be a great help to Administrators in charge of External Examiner samples, to be able to download SpeedGrader annotated pdfs that include grade and comments made in the side panel. 

At the moment there are a few work-arounds including staff copying comments into a final annotation, including grade. Or the administrator needs to keep a record of comments/grade to attach to annotated pdfs. Neither of which is fool-proof. 

We've recently transferred from a different VLE where this was available as standard. Without a comprehensive download, this creates quite a bit of extra work for administrators.


Community Novice

Brilliant idea.

Community Member

This has cropped up as a very large issue for us. 

A single PDF containing the entire assignment and all the feedback (rubric, comments, annotations) is absolutely essential.

Community Novice

Professor comments should be downloadable. They are instrumental in our learning.  This is a glitch.  Screenshots are arduous at best.  




Yes please! We are required to provide marked assignments at random for our accreditation when asked. Not having this ability, outside of multiple screen shots is not only tedious - but incredibly unprofessional. We need the ability to get our data out of Canvas in a streamlined, usable way. 

Community Member

I am very disappointed that I cannot download the annotated Speed grader assignments. Speed grader is much faster to use the turnitin interface but this is a big issue. Is there any option to do this please. I need to be able to download all of the PDF with annotations.


Status changed to: Archived
Comments from Instructure

As part of the new Ideas & Themes process, all ideas in Idea Conversations were reviewed by the Product Team. Any Idea that was associated with an identified theme was moved to the new Idea & Themes space. Any Idea that was not part of the move is being marked as Archived. This will preserve the history of the conversations while also letting Community members know that Instructure will not explore the request at this time.