[ARCHIVED] Poor Video Quality

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Why is my video quality so poor when I use my HD webcam to record a video when using the Record Media function in Canvas?  The camera looks great when recording elsewhere or using Zoom. Does Canvas severely limit recording resolution?

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1 Solution

Update:  received this message this morning from Canvas Support which confirms reason why initial upload is lower resolution.  Give it some time...took 6 hours for my uploaded videos to appear at high resolution yesterday!


"Thanks for contacting Canvas Support. I understand that you encountered some behavior within Studio where videos that you uploaded had a significantly lower resolution or quality than you were used to.

When the videos are first uploaded they are placed into a queue of videos to be processed. The initial processing of the video when uploading allows for the video to simply be viewed within Canvas/Studio and as time goes on they should see an increase in quality. In addition to this I do see that your uploaded videos in your course that came linked to this ticket are currently playing for me at the highest quality. These videos do also show a gear icon in the lower right corner of the video player and viewers can select this gear icon to choose video quality.

Have a great day,

Kyle Vincent
L1 Canvas Support"

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