[ARCHIVED] Print Quiz Answer Key

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It is Semester Testing time and our teachers are required to turn in hard copies of their test and key to the office.  Most of our teachers are giving their test in Canvas, which is awesome, but creates some challenges as well. 

Printing the Quiz:  When our teachers use the Preview, then print route to print the quiz, they only can see the questions. This does take care of the 'Print the Test' problem, but not the answer key issue.

Printing the Key:  Since most of their semester tests are longer than 25 questions, they can't choose the 'Show Question Details' option to print the answer key.

Is there any kind of work around for this?  We need a way to be able to print the test and key for quizzes that are longer than 25 questions.

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

 @lhenson ​, you aren't the first person to bring up this issue. There's been a huge ongoing discussion about it over here - . Even though it's technically archived for now, I know Canvas has been strongly considering how to implement this. My recommendation is to go ahead and comment on it and follow it so you'll be alerted to any updates.

As for the problem at hand, my only recommendation is to have faculty "preview" the quiz and then scroll to the bottom and submit it (no need to click any answers). I just tried this and I got all of my quiz questions with the correct answer indicated. Instructors can then print it off (or even better, save to pdf if you've got that on your computers). One caveat here, this won't work unless the quiz is set-up so that every student gets every question. If the quiz is set up this way then when the Instructor previews it they won't see every question (and answer).

Hope this helps!

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