This PowerShell script will pull user info from a CSV file and create a Canvas Conversation for each, with the unique Survey URL for each. **I'm not a programmer, and there is no guarantee with this script, but if it helps, please use it.
$token = "3474~MA07brX7mM7PzhkgIW0m8sp0H0XjHW5CUFJwoiNrRxnrOkWN0ONXDUEjAucDmYza"
$canvas_domain = "" # Your Canvas domain. Use the .test area at first
$headers = @{"Authorization"="Bearer "+$token}
Import-Csv C:\canvas_conversations\source_file.csv | ForEach-Object {
$user_id = $_.user_id
$first_name = $_.first_name
$survey_url = $_."survey_url"
$uri = "https://"+$canvas_domain+"/api/v1/conversations/?recipients[]=$user_id&subject=NSSE Survey&body=+$first_name, `r`nPlease take the NSSE Survey. `r`nEach survey is especially designed for you. `r`n+$survey_url"
Write-Host $uri
Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -uri $uri -Headers $headers
The source_file.csv would have three columns: user_id, first_name, survey_url
*I have not seen the actual source_file provided by NSSE, but might have to translate the STUDENTID to the Canvas UserID which is used in the API call. I generated the "Provisioning Report" from the Canvas Admin Menu to give me the Canvas UserID. **Also remember that the access token needs to be generated by a user with enough permissions to create the Conversations. I created a "NSSE" user and assigned them to the Account Admin role.
This is what the Canvas Conversation looks like for one student (with dummy Survey URL):

NOTES: A further caveat...
What if you want to recall these generated Conversations? The Conversations API does have a "delete" option, but you have to know the Conversation "ID". I have not found an easy way to create a list of these Conversation IDs. I thought pushing display output to a logfile would be nice, but it does not appear to be straightforward for PowerShell. *So, if someone could find a way to generate a list of Conversation IDs to be used to remove them, if desired, that would be great!
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