Community Explorer

Hi everyone this is what I currently have:




And my CSV contains the following two copies:


But my two copies are sitting as 'pre processing' and I am unsure as to what I'm doing wrong. Help would be greatly appreciated

0 4 1,652
Community Member

Get grade book  of course with Canvas API


0 1 1,207
Community Member

Has anyone had success renaming specific terminology both in the navigation and throughout the platform?


1 5 1,626
Community Member

If you are thinking of taking your courses to the next level or are interested in other flexible ways to develop and manage content authoring, read on!

🎬 YouTube version.

Following on from our CanvasCon 2018 talk, this article describes how we embraced the web’s shift to a decentralised stack (APIs, no-code, Notion, Zapier...) and created our own authoring system that creates engaging and responsive pages rendered in Canvas.



11 1 2,221
Community Member

This is a general question about APIs. Imagine, we have an object (users, assignments, etc) in canvas with all parameters set especially (SIS ID, or integration ID). Now, I want to know, if I send an API(POST request) with exact parameters to canvas, what would happen when the object exists already in canvas?

The canvas ignore the POST request? or overwrite the object with the new request, or create a duplicate?

I am asking this question because I am developing a python code, reads the data from the database and sends POST requests to create an object in canvas, so I am worried if I send a request which the object is already into the system.


0 2 1,335
Community Coach
Community Coach

Exporting Canvas Live Events to your SQL database


7 6 3,032
Community Member


We are trying to set up Diffing mode to run our SIS files and are using the below CURL command.

/usr/bin/curl --tlsv1.2 -H 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' -F diffing_data_set_identifier=DiffID -F attachment=@/home/batch/Canvas/canvasfiles.zip --output /dev/null --write-out '%{http_code}' --stderr /tmp/CANVAS.07072021.7995592.err.canvasfiles.zip -H "Authorization: Bearer TOKEN" https://oursite.edu/api/v1/accounts/1/sis_imports.json?import_type=instructure_csv&extension=zip 

Unfortunately the files are not updating anything in the system. Does anyone see anything wrong with our CURL command that may be causing this issue to occur?



0 1 1,277
Community Member

When submitting a multi HTML Content Items request, the generated HTML is wrong.

See how item #2 and #3 are embedded inside item #1 instead of after it:


Seems like a regression as it used to work fine a few days ago.

Any idea what is causing this?

Best Regards,


0 0 876
Community Contributor

I've created a Ruby script to add events to teacher and student personal calendars in our institution. This will post grading periods, holidays, and testing dates to allow for better planning by users.


2 1 1,478
Community Champion

Some time ago I wrote a program to compute an index for a course by walking the course pages and identifying key terms in the page, collecting all of the figure and table captions, all of the text that has been tagged as being in a language other than English, etc. 

find_keyords_phrase_in_files.py and create_page_from_json.py

see the heading "Making an index" at https://github.com/gqmaguirejr/Canvas-tools and details of using it can be found at https://canvas.kth.se/courses/11/pages/indexing-a-course?module_item_id=232285 

The result is a wikipage with entries of the form:

<li>sockets API
<li><a href="../modules/items/316319">Socket API</a></li>

Note that the anchor HREF is to a relative location the "../" gets replace by the browser with the prefix for the page (https://canvas.kth.se/courses/21521 ) yielding the full URL https://canvas.kth.se/courses/21521/modules/items/316319 

I had to use these relative HREFs to reduce the index for the course down to 3 pages due to the limited size of wikipages. This works perfectly well for the student in the course.

If I run the link validator from the page that says:

Course Link Validator

The course link validator searches course content for invalid or unreachable links and images.
The link validator reports: Found 14,610 broken links
Nearly all of the claimed broken links do in fact work.

1 0 961
Community Champion

Making use of sections, grading standards, custom data columns, and other features of Canvas to support a course with ~600 students, ~180 examiners, lots of other teachers/TAs, etc.

Making administrative assignments to hold useful information - assignments to store and manage information concerning students (but not containing student submissions) - an alternative to custom gradebook columns.


0 0 753
Community Explorer

Hi! I'm Noah,
a student at the Karel de Grote Hogeschool in Antwerp who's studying NxTmedia Technology Web Development.

Since the COVID-19 virus changed the way of teaching and following lectures we've been trying to find a solution for the inactivity of students and for centralization of some information. Aftera long time of brainstorming we finnally found a "solution" that should make it possible for students an their teachers to get more attention for announcements that are being published on canvas.

In our school we use discord as a full time replacement of normal tutoring. since we had to do everything online to minimize the contact. Over a short period of time more and more students of were getting used to using discord as a teaching platform. Most of the students already knew Discord as a voice communication platform for gaming. Mostly they were online here instead of Canvas.

What we've created is a bot that makes it possible to create watchlists in text channels that announce new incoming announcements of the courses that are being watched.

This made it possible to reach our students much faster and created a much bigger chance for you that the students would read it.

we've just released the first version of our Discord bot and we would like some opinions! As honest as possible 😉

There is a more detailed explanation on our public GitHub repository for the ones who're interested! Also we've open-sourced the whole project just to support the community and help the ones who need it!

The link of our Open-source Discord Bot

8 8 8,890
Community Participant

As far as we can see, there is no built-in method to add and update user avatar photos in Canvas. Many organisations probably allow students to add their own avatars, but it's arguably better to have school photos in Canvas because teachers find them more useful to help with identifying students etc. This blog post describes a method which I have implemented to add all student and staff photos to Canvas, and to maintain them so that they revert to the 'official' photo if they are changed. Full code is available on GitHub. 


6 14 5,916
Community Champion

returns { 'notification_preferences': [ list ] } rather than [ list ]



0 0 1,004
Community Participant

A script to generate a Postman collection based on Canvas' swagger documentation.


29 8 5,238
Community Participant

NEVER conclude courses!  We found this out the hard way.  It really creates more problems than it solves and concluding is pretty much the younger evil brother of the delete process.  You have been warned!


2 1 4,045
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

This blog post was authored by Xander Moffatt who is a Software Engineer on our Interoperability Team.

Safari blocks all 3rd-party cookies by default, which breaks LTI tools that rely on setting cookies when launched in an iframe. Instead, it exposes a new API for getting user-permitted access to set cookies from an iframe, which works though requires jumping through some fun hoops.


Safari has been working towards this step for a few years now, since the introduction of the Storage Access API and Intelligent Tracking Prevention. These features were introduced to limit cross-site tracking that users never agreed to, and to preserve their privacy. These limitations have also grown more strict over the years, with most third-party cookies already being blocked by the time of the newest release, 13.1.

Before this release, third-party cookies were allowed to be set once the domain has set a first-party cookie, which occurs when the tool is launched in the parent browser window instead of a child iframe. Canvas implemented this change to launch the tool in the parent window, let it set a cookie, and provide a redirect url so that the tool is launched again in an iframe, with the ability to set third-party cookies.

This release makes Safari the first mainstream browser to fully block third-party cookies by default, though Chrome aims to ship the same features by 2022. The Storage Access API should also be made standard, providing a known way for LTI tools to still be functional. Note that this behavior can be turned off, by disabling the Preferences > Privacy > Prevent cross-site tracking checkbox.

When this behavior is enabled, the current behavior of an LTI tool launch in Canvas is to get stuck in an infinite loop, since Storage Access hasn’t been granted and so the cookie can never be set.

Storage Access API

There are only two methods in the Storage Access API, but they are more complex than they look. document.hasStorageAccess asynchronously resolves to a boolean indicating whether the iframe already has access to set its own cookies. In practice, this is almost never true until a call to the next method, document.requestStorageAccess. This method also asynchronously resolves to a boolean indicating whether the iframe now has access. The hoops that require jumping through come with this method.

  • this method must be called upon a user gesture (like tap/click). this means the user must click a button and the listener for this button must directly call requestStorageAccess. any calls that aren’t inside a listener will immediately return false.
  • this method won’t return true for a domain in an iframe unless the user has interacted with the domain in a first-party context. This is to make sure that the user knows and trusts this domain. Interaction in this case means another user gesture like a tap or click.
  • this method will return true if the user has had storage access granted in the last 24 hours.
  • once this has been called from a user gesture, the user has interacted in a first-party context, and then the request is sent again from a third-party context, then Safari will prompt the user using a browser dialog box to allow storage access. Once the user clicks Allow, then this method will return true and the tool can finally set the cookies it needs to authenticate its user.


There are a couple of ways to approach this situation from a Canvas-launching-LTI tools standpoint, and both of them are on the tool side, as opposed to the Canvas side. Canvas continues its behavior of providing a redirect url when the tool requests a full window launch, but the tool has some decisions to make.

If your LTI tool can handle being stateless and not setting cookies (ie it doesn’t require logging in, or the login process is fast so can be done on every launch), do it. Move any non-login cookies to window.ENV or something, let the user login if needed, and just plan on that whole flow happening on every launch.

If your LTI tool requires storing state in cookies and keeping the user logged in, there is a slightly more complex process to work with an in-line Canvas launch. Note that the Storage Access API happens in Javascript, but most LTI tools want to set httpOnly cookies from the server for sensitive cookies like a login token, so once the tool has Storage Access, a final redirect back to the server to set cookies and render the UI will be needed.

  1. When the tool launches, use document.hasStorageAccess to check if the tool already has Storage Access. This will most likely never be true, but if it is, redirect to the tool server to set cookies and render the UI.
  2. Request Storage Access using a user button click that calls document.requestStorageAccess. If the user has granted Storage Access within the last 24 hours, this will be granted. If granted, redirect to the tool server to set cookies and render the UI.
  3. If the request fails, then it’s time to get user interaction in a first-party context. Send a postMessage to Canvas requesting a full window launch, providing the tool’s normal launch url.
  4. Once that custom postMessage has been sent, Canvas will launch the tool again, in a full window. Canvas will send a platform_redirect_url in the request parameters, which is how you can tell it’s a full window launch. Get user interaction by having them click a button, and on that click redirect to the url Canvas supplied.
  5. Canvas will redirect to that url, which means another tool launch in an iframe. The tool will go through steps 1 and 2 again, and this time Safari should prompt the user to grant access. Once that happens, the tool has Storage Access and should redirect to the tool server to set cookies and render the UI.

Efforts are being made to encapsulate this behavior in some sort of gem/module, but since it touches both server- and client-side code it might be hard.

Though this method requires anywhere from 1-3 user button clicks before the app loads, it does provide a non-hacky way of interacting with cookies in Safari.

note that these are snippets that don’t have all variables and dependencies added. They are just for reference!
  • checking for storage access
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
if (document.hasStorageAccess) {
.then((hasStorageAccess) => {
if (hasStorageAccess) {
.catch((err) => console.error(err));
} else {

<RequestStorageAccess />,
  • requesting storage access
const requestStorageAccess = () => {
.then(() => redirectToSetCookies())
.catch(() => requestFullWindowLaunch());

const buttonText = "Continue to LTI Tool";
const promptText =
"Safari requires your interaction with this tool inside Canvas to keep you logged in.\n" +
"A dialog may appear asking you to allow this tool to use cookies while browsing Canvas.\n" +
"For the best experience, click Allow.";

return (
  • requesting a full window launch
const requestFullWindowLaunch = () => {
messageType: "requestFullWindowLaunch",
  • interact with user in a first-party context
const SafariLaunch = () => {
const redirect = () => {
const buttonText = "Continue to LTI Tool";
const promptText =
"Safari requires your interaction with this tool outside of Canvas before continuing.";

return (

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
<SafariLaunch />,
  • handle different types of launches, including full window, Safari, and non-Safari
# Safari launch: Full-window launch, solely for first-party user interaction.
# Redirect to Canvas for inline relaunch.
if safari_redirect_required?
@platform_redirect_url = params[:platform_redirect_url]
return render('safari/full_window_launch')

if browser.safari?
# Safari launch: request Storage Access, then redirect to
# :relaunch_after_storage_access_request with pertinent cookie info
# If Storage Access request fails, request a full window launch instead.
@id_token = id_token
@state = state
return render('safari/request_storage_access')

# Non-Safari launch: set cookies and render app launch



7 2 6,298
Community Champion

After the fun yesterday of using the dashboard cards to make the entry of a course ID easier (Using the dashboard information via the API in programs ). I decided to do a similar thing for user IDs, so rather than have to enter a Canvas user_id for each program - why not be more flexible with a "person_id". The result is a program that can take any of several forms of user identification in and get a Canvas user-id for this user. It also shows how to use some of the SIS IDs at Object IDs, SIS IDs, and special IDs - Canvas LMS REST API Documentation.

    # check for numeric string, in which case this a Canvas user_id
if person_id.isdigit():
elif person_id.count('-') == 4: # a sis_integration_id
integration_id=person_id # since we have the ID, save it for later
elif person_id.find('@') > 1: # if an e-mail address/login ID
# assume it is a local university ID

# extract Canvas user-id from the user's info:
print("sortable name={}".format(info['sortable_name']))
print("Canvas user_id={}".format(user_id))

# try to get the user's integration_id via their profile
integration_id=user_profile.get('integration_id', None)
login_id=user_profile.get('login_id', None)
if login_id:


The routines user_info() and user_profile_info() just call the GET /api/v1/users/:id and GET /api/v1/users/:id/profile APIs respectively.

This has some relation to the question I ask in Searching for users and my several iterations of addressing the question.

Also, as noted in my reply to What is the use case for "integration_ids"? in order to get the user's integration_id, i.e., the sis_integration_id) - I had to use the GET /api/v1/courses/:course_id/enrollments API. I'm not completely sure why all of these different IDs for a user are not returned in the User structure returned by GET /api/v1/users/:id .

0 0 822
Community Champion

In most of my programs that use the Canvas API, I take in the course_id from the command line in numeric form (i.e., the string: 11). One of my colleagues said that he does not like to remember the course numbers but would rather use the course code or a nickname. So this motivated me to see if one could use the dashboard information for this.

The first thing I discovered was that it seems the dashboard API is not documented - or perhaps I just could not find it. So I watched a Canvas session in the browser and found the API is:

GET /api/v1/dashboard/dashboard_cards

So I made a test program to get all of my cards and make a spreadsheet of them, see my-dashboard.py at GitHub - gqmaguirejr/Canvas-tools: Some tools for use with the Canvas LMS. 

After looking at the cards and their information it was really easy to see how to use this information to make it so that you can convert the "course_id" that is actually a nickname, short name, or original name (or a prefix or substring of it).

def course_id_from_assetString(card):
global Verbose_Flag

if len(course_id) > 7:
if course_id.startswith('course_'):
course_id=course_id.replace('course_', "", 1)
if Verbose_Flag:
print("course_id_from_assetString:: course_id={}".format(course_id))
return course_id
print("Error missing assetString for card {}".format(card))
return None

# check if the course_id is all digits, matches course code, or matches a short_name
def process_course_id_from_commandLine(course_id):
if not course_id.isdigit():
for c in cards:
# look to see if the string is a course_code
if course_id == c['courseCode']:
# check for matched against shortName
if course_id == c['shortName']:
# look for the string at start of the shortName
if c['shortName'].startswith(course_id) > 0:
print("picked the course {} based on the starting match".format(c['shortName']))
# look for the substring in the shortName
if c['shortName'].find(course_id) > 0:
print("picked the course {} based on partial match".format(c['shortName']))

# check for matched against originalName
if course_id == c['originalName']:
# look for the string at start of the shortName
if c['originalName'].startswith(course_id) > 0:
print("picked the course {} based on the starting match".format(c['shortName']))
# look for the substring in the shortName
if c['originalName'].find(course_id) > 0:
print("picked the course {} based on partial match".format(c['shortName']))

print("processing course: {0} with course_id={1}".format(c['originalName'], course_id))
return course_id

Now, hopefully, there will be a happy user as in the main program to process the first argument of the command line as a course_id you simply say:

if not course_id:
print("Unable to recognize a course_id, course code, or short name for a course in {}".format(remainder[0]))

Of course, there are probably some gotchas - but it should work better than having to look up the numeric values.

1 1 1,226
Community Participant

You will require the following variables set up accordingly. Values such as $USERID, $COURSEID and $ASSIGNMENTID can be obtained from the API or looking at link URLs in the Canvas web interface.


>> $token = '<TOKEN>'
>> $headers = @{"Authorization"="Bearer "+$token}
>> $userId = 123
>> $asUserId = 456
>> $courseId = 789
>> $assignmentId = 101112
>> $fileName = 'submission.bmp'
>> $filePath = 'c:\submission.bmp'
>> $fileContentType = 'image/bmp' 


Step 1 - Initiate the assignment submission file upload process.

Note that the AS_USER_ID parameter is attached here to the URI to enable masquerading (otherwise you cannot upload a file to another user's account.)


>> $response = Invoke-RestMethod `
   -URI   "https://<HOST_NAME>:443/api/v1/courses/$courseId/assignments/$assignmentId/submissions/$userId/files?as_user_id=$asUserId" `
   -headers $headers `
   -method POST 


We obtain an upload URI from the $RESPONSE object.

>> $uploadUri = $response.upload_url


This upload URI has a life span of 30 minutes, and cannot be used after timeout. The response content contains a list of parameters called UPLOAD_PARAMS which should be included in the POST submission body along with the file data when the file is subsequently uploaded. For our school, these parameters are FILENAME and CONTENT_TYPE.


Step 2 - Construct a hashmap which includes the file to be uploaded, along with the file parameters specified in the response above. This hashmap is passed to the Invoke-RestMethod powershell command which sends the file as part of a form submission.

>> $form = @{

   filename = $fileName
   content_type = $fileContentType
   file = Get-Item -Path $filePath

>> $response = Invoke-RestMethod `
   -URI $uploadUri `
   -Method POST `
   -Form $form

>> Write-Host "$($response.size) bytes uploaded."




Step 3 - Associate the uploaded file with an assignment submission. The $RESPONSE object returned by the previous API call conveniently contains the ID of the file which was just uploaded. We create a $BODY hashmap which is then submitted as POST parameters to associate the assignment submission with the uploaded file. 


Note the braces "[]" which must be included after the "[file_ids]" parameter name.

>> $body = @{


>> $response = invoke-restmethod `
   -uri "https://<HOSTNAME>:443/api/v1/courses/$courseId/assignments/$assignmentId/submissions" `
   -headers $headers `
   -method POST `
   -body $body `
   -ContentType "multipart/form-data"


If no errors occur (these can be handled with TRY/CATCH) then the submission process has completed successfully. 

The $RESPONSE object returned by the previous call does contain values which might also be tested to determine if the submission has completed successfully (e.g. workflow_state='submitted') but I haven't yet encountered a scenario where a submission would fail without throwing a catchable error. 

1 0 1,098
Community Member

I've developed a tool I wanted to share here.  I teach multiple sections of a course with up to 72 students per section.  I typically merge all sections of my course into a single canvas site.  This works well for most things, but grouping 360 students into 60 teams manually is a nightmare.  The GUI for team management is an atrocious mess.

I've written a Google Apps Script in JavaScript that uses a Google Spreadsheet as the GUI.  With this tool, you can download your canvas roster, and then you can upload all teams automatically using another sheet.  

I wrote the tool to work with CATME team formation, specifically.  But, so long as the 'CATME Import' sheet contains the student email and team name, it should work fine for manual team formation.

This is my first stab at API coding, and so there are bound to be lots of errors and bugs.  For one, I don't have the OAuth2 worked out, so this version uses a temporary token that you get from your Canvas page.  

I've put a version of the code up on GitHub - GitHub - dagray3/canvas_api_scripts: collection of Google Apps Scripts in JavaScript for working wit... 

I don't know how to share the companion google sheet with others.  But, I think it's a good, rough beta that might be of use to someone.  Hit me up with a DM if you have questions or comments about the code.  Otherwise, be awesome.

2 2 1,514
Community Champion

In a Canvas course, you can quickly check the number of missing assignments for single students relatively quickly. You can also message groups of students missing specific assignments from the analytics page (or the gradebook). What you can't do is get a list of all students in a course and their missing assignments in a CSV for quick analysis.

In my never-ending exploration of the Canvas API, I've got a Python script that creates a missing assignments report for a course, broken down by section.


I have my own specific thoughts about using the "missing" flag to communicate with students about work. The bigger picture is that while we're distance learning, it's helpful to be able to get a birds-eye view of the entire course in terms of assignment submission. We also have enlisted building principals to help check in on progress and having this report available is helpful for their lookup purposes.

The Script

from canvasapi import Canvas # pip install canvasapi
import csv
import concurrent.futures
from functools import partial

KEY = '' # Your Canvas API key
URL = '' # Your Canvas API URL
COURSE = '' # Your course ID

canvas = Canvas(URL, KEY)
course = canvas.get_course(COURSE)
assignments = len(list(course.get_assignments()))
writer = csv.writer(open('report.csv', 'w'))

def main():
    sections = course.get_sections()

    writer.writerow(['Name', 'Building', 'Last Activity', 'Complete', 'Missing'])

    for section in sections:
        enrollments = section.get_enrollments(state="active", type="StudentEnrollment")
        # Play with the number of workers.
        with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=3) as executor:
            data = []
            job = partial(process_user, section=section)

            results = [executor.submit(job, enrollment) for enrollment in enrollments]
            for f in concurrent.futures.as_completed(results):
                print(f'Processed {len(data)} in {len(list(enrollments))} at {section}')

def process_user(enrollment, section):
    missing = get_user_missing(section, enrollment.user['id'])
    return [ 
        len(missing), ', '.join(missing)

def get_user_missing(section, user_id):
    submissions = section.get_multiple_submissions(student_ids=[user_id], 
                                                   include=["assignment", "submission_history"], 

    missing_list = [item.assignment['name'] for item in submissions \
        if item.workflow_state == "unsubmitted" and item.excused is not True]

    return missing_list

if __name__ == "__main__":


How does it work?

The script uses UCF's canvasapi library to handle all of the endpoints. Make sure to pip install before you try to run the script. The Canvas object makes it easy to pass course and section references around for processing. Because each student has to be individually looked up, it uses multiple threads to speed up. There isn't much compute, just API calls and data wrangling, so multithreading worked better than multiprocessing.

For each section, the script calls for each students' submissions, looking for workflow_state="unsubmitted" specifically to handle filtering on the Canvas servers. From this filtered list, it creates a final list by checking the submission history and any excused flags. A list is then returned to the main worker and the section is written as a whole to keep the processes thread-safe.

When the script is finished, you'll have a CSV report on your filesystem (in the same directory as the script itself) that you can use.



Currently, missing assignments are joined as a single string in the final cell, so those could be broken out into individual columns. I found that the resulting sheet is nicer when the number of columns is consistent, but there could be some additional processing added to sort assignments by name to keep order similar.

Canvas is also implementing GraphQL endpoints so you can request specific bits of data. The REST endpoints are helpful, but you get a lot of data back. Cleaning up the number of bytes of return data will also help it run faster.

4 1 1,944
Community Champion

While schools are closed, we've moved much of our long term staff development material into Canvas. We have one long-running course with all staff split into site-based sections that has worked as a model for others. We needed a way to essentially duplicate the template course enrollments into new training courses.


Ignorance is bliss (sometimes) and I didn't know of a good way to make this happen. I looked at some of the provisioning reports, but I couldn't select a single course to run a report on. So, I reached for Python and the UCF Open canvasapi library to make it happen.


At the end of this process, I ended with a brand new course, populated with teachers enrolled in their specific sections. I was also able to disable the new registration email and set their course status to active by default.



from config import PROD_KEY, PROD_URL
from canvasapi import Canvas # pip install canvasapi

# Define your course IDs. Be careful!
template_course_id = ''
new_course_id = ''

canvas = Canvas(PROD_URL, PROD_KEY)

template_course = canvas.get_course(template_course_id)
new_course = canvas.get_course(new_course_id)

# Open the template course section by section
template_sections = template_course.get_sections()

# Get any sections that may already exist in the new course
new_sections = [section.name for section in new_course.get_sections()]

# This whole loop could be improved a little.
for section in template_sections:
    # Get all the section enrollments
    enrollments = section.get_enrollments()

    # If it's a brand new course, this should always be false
    if not section.name in new_sections:
        print(f'Creating section {section.name}')
        course_section = {
            "name": section.name,
        new_section = new_course.create_course_section(course_section=course_section)
        count = 0 # start counting enrollments for quick quality checks
        for enrollment in enrollments:
            student = enrollment.user['id']
            print(f'Enrolling {enrollment.user["name"]}')
            count += 1
            args = {
                "course_section_id": new_section.id,
                "notify": False,
                "enrollment_state": "active"
                new_course.enroll_user(student, "StudentEnrollment", enrollment=args)
            except Exception as e:
        print(f'Enrolled {count} users in {new_section.name}')‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍


It's definitely brute force, but it saved us from having to copy and paste nearly 1,300 users into the new course by hand from a spreadsheet.


Why force enroll at all?

I think this highlights one of the barriers for really taking Canvas to the next level for staff support. There is no good way to enroll non-student users in courses for required development. In our case, it's to fulfill a required training for staff and using Canvas makes sense as a lot is done through application and reflection.


The public course index in Canvas could be used, but without a great way to expose the course to instructional staff only (I know we could use some JavaScript and edit the template, but that's just another thing to manage) it could lead to students joining courses either by accident or maliciously.


We've also toyed around with making a custom self-signup process on an internal website where staff are forwarded directly to the enroll page, but it's another system to manage and another site for teachers to use. The most hands-off approach for all involved is to do something like this in the background as needed to get people where they need to be effectively and efficiently.

5 4 2,143
Community Coach
Community Coach

So I thought I would try to make a ChatBot for Canvas to add to our staff EdTech Help canvas course.

I had come across a number of posts and ideas mentioning this a way back - this one in particular from  @sonya_corcoran  -  Microsoft's QnA Maker = Canvas FAQ ai  and also https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/5717" modifiedtitle="true" title="AI chatbot which answers bas...

Spent a couple of hours trying to get it set up. Googled ChatBot. Got some advice about Azure and QnA Maker. Set up a free portal. Followed a few online help guides. Actually, it was not a difficult as I first thought..

Bit of trial and error, made a few mistakes along the way, struggled with some of the Tech but I've actually made one.

The Chat bot is embedded on a Canvas page. I used the Redirect tool used to create an entry on the Navigation menu to take you directly to the page.

Of course, this is the easy bit. The (fun part?) of the challenge is now to "program'' it and get it to be useful...


Just the start of a post. More to be added soon but please get in touch or ask questions below or share ideas and thoughts.....

Today's work (6th May)

Customising the standard Hello and Welcome! message to:


Thanks to - botframework - How to customize the "Hello and welcome" default response message in Microsoft Azure ... 

Customising the Default message - No QnA Maker answers were found to:


Thanks to - QnA Maker | How to customize the "No good match in FAQ" default response message - YouTube 

Adding some images:


Thanks to - How to Add Images to QnA Maker Answers in Markdown 

Learning how to use Markdown to add some formatting to your responses:


Thanks to - Markdown Tutorial - Introduction has a great hands-on tutorial!

Today's work (7th May)

There is an interesting option that allows you to import Word/PDF files to create Q&A responses. The format they suggest needs to be quite a formal design with the use of Headings for certain features eg


I tried this with a guide I had written for Learning Apps - the results were NOT GREAT! I had (secretly) hoped that I would magically create amazingly engaging FAQs with pictures and formats - nope. None of the pictures added and as such the step by step guide makes little sense.

To be fair, a little down the Microsoft Help guide - Import document format guidelines - QnA Maker - Azure Cognitive Services | Microsoft Docs it does suggest the sort of document that would work best (basically a Word based FAQ doc)


I have not tried this with the hyperlinks in place but if it does this then at least this is a step in the right direction..

Instead, I have been making use of the Markdown script to copy in links to Canvas pages in our EdTech platform:


My Help Guides are made in Word and I would ordinarily use the Office365 integration to link to this. Instead I PDF'ed the file and put it into the Canvas course.

What I am learning very quickly is how best to create a ChatBot flowchart that allows different approaches for users. Wonderfully enough, it has drawn me back to this superb blog post from  @Bobby2  Horse Before the Cart. Purpose first, Canvas second.‌ and wonderful comments from  @kmeeusen ‌

It is easier to create a chatbot that responds to a request by providing a link to a Help Guide and/or some examples.Of course the real challenge would be developing a framework not based on how you can get help but:

What would you like to be able to do?

Oh, before I forget, CanvasBot now has face to go with the name:


7 5 7,414
Community Champion

This post was originally published on my own blog.

In moving to online, we've tried to streamline all of our communication through Canvas. The goal is to cut down on disconnected email threads and encourage students to use submission comments to keep questions and feedback in context.

The Problem

Many students had already turned off email notifications for most communications in Canvas, preferring not to have any notices, which reduces their responsibility for teacher prompting and revision. Notifications are a user setting and the Canvas admin panel doesn't provide a way to define a default set of notification levels for users. However, with the API, we were able to write a Python program that sets notification prefs by combining the as_user_id query param as an admin that sets user notification preferences.

API Endpoints

  • GET user communication channel IDs: /api/v1/users/:user_id/communication_channels
  • PUT channel preferences for user: api/v1/users/self/communication_channels/{channel_id}/notification_preferences/{msg_type}


  • Int user_id
  • Int channel_id
  • String frequency

Get User IDs

There is no easy way to programmatically get user IDs at the account or subaccount levels without looping each course and pulling enrollments. Instead, we opted to pull a CSV of all enrollments using the Provisioning report through the Admin panel. We configured separate files using the current term as the filter. This CSV included teacher, student, and observer roles. The script limits the notification updates to student enrollments.

Script Details

The full program is available in a GitHub gist. Here is an annotated look at the core functions.

main handles the overall process in a multi-threaded context. We explicitly define a number of workers in the thread pool because the script would hang without a defined number. Five seemed to work consistently and ran 1500 records (a single subaccount) in about 7 minutes.

The CSV includes all enrollments for each student ID, so we created a set to isolate a unique list of student account IDs (lines 9-10).

To track progress, we wrapped the set in tqdm. This prints a status bar in the terminal while the process is running which shows the number of processed records out of the total length. This is not part of the standard library, so it needs to be installed from PyPI before you can import it.

def main():
Update Canvas user notification preferences as an admin.

unique = set()
data = []
with open('your.csv', 'r') as inp:
for row in csv.reader(inp):
if re.search("student", row[4]):

with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) as executor:
with tqdm(total=len(unique)) as progress:
futures = []
for student in unique:
future = executor.submit(process_student_id, student)
future.add_done_callback(lambda p: progress.update())

results = [future.result() for future in futures]‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

process_student_id is called by the context manager for each student ID in the set. Canvas breaks communication methods into "channels:" email, push, Twitter, etc (line 3). Each channel has a unique ID for each user, so we needed to call each user's communication channels and then pass the ID for emails to a setter function.

def process_student_id(student):
# Get their communication channel prefs
channel_id = get_channel_id(student)

# Update the channel prefs and return
update = update_prefs(student, channel_id)
return update
except Exception as e:

GET communication_channels

def get_channel_id(student_id):
url = f"https://yourURL.instructure.com/api/v1/users/{student_id}/communication_channels"
resp = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)

for channel in resp.json():
# find the ID of the email pref
if channel['type'] == 'email':
return channel['id']‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

PUT communication_channels/:channel_id/notification_preferences/:message_type[frequency]

The communication channel can receive several types of communications. We wanted to set the student notifications to "immediately" for new announcements, submission comments, and conversation messages. You can define others as well as their frequencies by modifying the values on lines 3-4.

The communication types are not well documented, so  we used our own channel preferences to find the notification strings: GET /users/self/communication_channels/:channel_id/notification_preferences.

The crux of this step is to make the request using the Masquerading query param available to the calling user. Make sure the account which generated the API key can masquerade or else the script will return an unauthorized error. 

def update_prefs(student_id, channel_id):
# loop through different announcement types
types = ["new_announcement", "submission_comment", "conversation_message"]
frequency = "immediately" # 'immediately', 'daily', 'weekly', 'never'
responses = []

for msg_type in types:
url = f"https://elkhart.test.instructure.com/api/v1/users/self/communication_channels/{channel_id}/notification_preferences/{msg_type}?as_user_id={student_id}&notification_preferences[frequency]={frequency}"
resp = requests.request("PUT", url, headers=headers)


return responses‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

Final Thoughts

Updating a user's personal preferences isn't something I was thrilled about doing, but given our current circumstances, it was preferable to the alternative of continuing to struggle to help students move forward in their coursework. Further improvements would be to call each CSV in the file system incrementally, cutting down on the time someone has to log in and run the script. Hopefully, this only needs to be done once and does not become a recurring task. Second, there is an endpoint in the API to update multiple communication preferences at once, but it isn't well documented and I wasn't able to get it working reliably. For just one channel and three specific types of messages, the performance improvements probably would have been negligible (at least that's what I'm telling myself).

6 1 1,487
Community Explorer

Hello Smiley Happy  

I have started to design ready-made canvas design templates for courses. This project I have started as an Open-Source code under MIT (which means free). and anyone can use this. I would love to hear your feedback/suggestions.

The cool thing about this project is Zero Dependency - (No need to include any and CSS or js files into your canvas instance)


My Github Project: Click Here - CanvasLMSDesigns

Don't forget to check the demo Smiley Happy 



  • Zero Dependency - (No need to include any and CSS or js files into your canvas instance)
  • Compatible with Canvas LMS editor

How to use

  • Go to this file - Design-1/index.html - Click here
  • Copy index.html HTML codes
  • Paste into the Canvas LMS editor



This is my first design

6 0 4,552
Community Champion

To follow up on my earlier question in Generating an index and permitted attributes for &lt;span&gt; this blog post contains some more information about generating an index from the pages in a Canvas course. A full description, script, and source code can be found under "Making an index" at GitHub - gqmaguirejr/Canvas-tools: Some tools for use with the Canvas LMS. 

Basically the process is based on creating in a local directory a copy of all of the HTML pages in a Canvas course along with some metadata about the module items in the course. Once you have the files, you can find keywords and phrases from the HTML and then construct the index or in my case a number of different indexes. I have split the process of finding keywords and phrases into two parts, the first works on the HTML files to find the strings in the various tags and stores this into a JSON formatted file - and the second part is part of the program computes the indexes. In this second program I started by splitting the text into words with a simple regular expression and then switched to using the Python NLTK package - specifically, the functions nltk.sent_tokenize(string1) nltk.word_tokenize(string2).

The resulting page (computed from ~850 HTML files) can be seen at Test page 3: Chip sandbox 

With regard to <span>, I found it useful to use them in three ways:

1. To keep a set of words together as a logical "word":

<span>Adam Smith</span> <span>Autonomous system number</span>

2. To mark text that I did not want to index:

<span class="dont-index">20% error rate</span>

3. To mark text as a reference (that I do not want to index):

<span class="inline-ref">(see Smith, Figure 10, on page 99.)</span>

Overall, the process of generating an index was useful - as I found mis-spellings, inconsistent use of various terms and capitalization, random characters that seemed to have been typos or poor alternative img descriptions, ...). It also was a nice forcing function to rework some of the content.

However, it remains a work in progress. I know that there are a number of weaknesses, such as not being careful in the final index to language tag entries and there is a need to remove some additional words that probably should not be in the index. Also, this is not a general-purpose natural language processing program - it could make better use of the NLTK package and it is very English language centric (in that it assumes the default language of the course is English, it does not pass the actual language information to the tokenization function, and it only contains stop words in English).

0 0 917
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Canvas product management wants to collaborate with you regarding future Canvas improvements!

If you are interested in being notified about opportunities for feedback, please follow this document via the Actions menu. Following this document will notify you when this document is updated with a new feedback opportunity.

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Available Feedback Opportunities

Feedback links will be removed when no longer available. Most surveys will remain posted for approximately one month.

Posted 2 March 2020

Survey: User Online Interactions Research

Purpose: To build a comprehensive list of student online interactions that can be tracked and reported using Canvas.

Questions: How does your institution define student online interactions? What data points are you collecting to report on those interactions?

5 0 1,678
Community Participant

This blog describes how to move user enrollments from one role to another using a Python class, SQL data, and a mapping file.

So here is the situation we are presently facing at Everett Public Schools.  Along with our base roles of Student, Teacher, Designer, etc., we also have custom roles that have been derived from those base roles.  These custom roles are a bit more refined and help keep users and there permissions in check.  The problem with this idea is that not everyone follows the rules when assigning a role to a user when that user is enrolled into a course.  This quickly becomes an issue when trying to search and sort users based upon their permissions.

Case in point: We have teachers that are enrolled as students in staff courses or portals that are located at their respective school or sub-account.  So are they truly a student in the classic sense?  No.  When you do a blind search for students, you get back a bunch of teachers and maybe a few other users that somebody down the line added to a course as a student.  Now that the user data set has gotten out of hand, how do you move those enrollments over to the new custom role that you just created?  In addition to that, how do you keep it all in sync?

The solution comes in a few simple steps which you can follow below.  First, you need to decide what data set of users need to be moved from one role to another?  In our case, we wanted non-students (i.e. district staff) that were currently assigned the base role of StudentEnrollment (aka Student).  These district IDs are the same as their login id and SIS id too, so it keeps things straight.  Since we run multiple nightly integrations, we simply just created a new section in our SQL code to only pull the district staff IDs.  Like this:

IF @type = 'STAFF_USERS'
SELECT login_id
FROM eps_canvas.dbo.users
WHERE user_type = 'F';

Just a bit of a backstory to explain the logic.  In Everett we use several nightly imports into Canvas to roster courses, control users, etc.  More on that in another blog, but to suffice it to say it works very well.  We use a 'users' table in a smaller database to control who gets put into Canvas.  The user_type of 'F' is for 'faculty'.  So when this script runs, it uses the 'staff_users' input parameter to control what data set the script will receive.  This logic comes from the script configuration .ini file:


#API SIS upload URL for the site
#Root account should always be 1
rootURL: https://everettsd.beta.instructure.com/api/v1/

#The URL string data that allows acting as another user
#The 'replace' placeholder gets replaced with the correct term in the script
masqueradeData: {"as_user_id": "replace"}

#The list of parameters to pull from the DB
#Use this list to effect the role mappping below
#Comma delimited, any order
dbParams: staff_users

#Text of the SQL Server stored procedure SQL
#For getting of district ids
dbSQL: exec eps_internal.dbo.pyCurGetCanvasCustomExtracts ?

#The endpoint to get enrollments for a user
enrollmentsEndpoint: users/self/enrollments

#The endpoint to enroll the user in the course
coursesEndpoint: courses/{}/enrollments

#The endpoint to get all of the current roles
rolesEndpoint: accounts/1/roles

#The mapping from one role to another for each DB parameter
#The key for each map is keyed off of the dbParams list
#The JSON object for each dbParam is a key of the permission type to find, the value is the role to assign
#All values are case sensitive and must match exactly to what is in Canvas
roleMapping: {"staff_users": {"StudentEnrollment": "Adult Learner"}}

When the script is executed, it looks for an associated configuration file and reads in the [Default] section data.  It does read a master configuration file too so it can set some global variables, but that is outside the scope of this post.  Each parameter is then assigned to an internal variable that the script uses to do its thing.  Jumping down to the bottom line in the file, the roleMapping dictionary is keyed to the dbParams value.  This is how the data set knows what users to process, what role to look for (in this case 'StudentEnrollment') and what role to use when enrolling the user into the current course ('Adult Learner').  If we wanted to process more users this this script workflow, then we add a value to the dbParams list and add the same value to the roleMapping dictionary along with the roles to use.  

At some point, we needed to create our 'Adult Learner' role.  We wanted a role that was student based but that could be used for staff members that are fulfilling some student role in a course somewhere.  We wanted the student role to truly reflect actual students in the district.

So now we are ready to roll.  Consider this Python class:

from requests import Session
from classEpsDB import EpsDB
from classEpsException import EpsException
from classEpsConfiguration import EpsConfiguration
from json import loads
from urllib import parse

class EpsITSyncCanvasEnrollments(object😞
Syncs the Canvas enrollments between what was assigned to a user and what should be the correct assignment.
We do this to keep users from getting the incorrect enrollment and streamlining the search process.
@package: epsIT
@license: http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0
@copyright: 2020, Everett Public Schools
@author: DPassey
@version: 1.0, 02.24.2020

def __init__(self, user_id_type='sis_user_id'😞
Class initializer.
Parses the config file_name, assigning values as needed.
@raise exception: EpsException
cfg = EpsConfiguration(f"{self.__class__.__name__}.ini")
self.rc = 0
if not cfg.db_dsn: raise Exception(f"{self.__class__.__name__}.__init__. DSN data source is missing.")
for k in cfg.locals:
k = k.upper().strip()
v = cfg.locals[k].strip()
if k == 'DBSQL': db_sql = v
if k == 'DBPARAMS': param_list = v.split(',')
if k == 'ROOTURL': root_url = v
if k == 'MASQUERADEDATA': masquerade = v
if k == 'ENROLLMENTSENDPOINT': enroll_endpoint = v
if k == 'COURSESENDPOINT': course_endpoint = v
if k == 'ROLEMAPPING': roles_map = loads(v)
if k == 'ROLESENDPOINT': roles_endpoint = v

# set the session header
self.header = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {cfg.canvas_token}'}

# must be one of these
if user_id_type not in ('sis_user_id', 'sis_login_id'😞 raise Exception(f'{self.__class__.__name__}.__init__. Invalid parameter: {user_id_type}.')

# create a session
with Session() as self.session:
# get the type of user from the parameter list
for _ in param_list:
# get all of the active roles
url = f"{root_url}{roles_endpoint}"
# for each mapped role for this parameter, get the role's id
roles_dict = self.get_account_roles(url, roles_map[_])
# get the data to process for each parameter
data = self.get_data(cfg.db_dsn, db_sql, _)
# proceed if we get user data
if data:
# for each user in the data, find the applicable enrollments to move
for user in data:
# set up masquerading
self.data_dict = loads(masquerade.replace('replace', "{}:{}".format(user_id_type, user[0])))
# get all of the user's enrollments to see if we need to change enrollments
user_dict = self.get_enrollments(f"{root_url}{enroll_endpoint}", roles_map[_])
# now process the users by their Canvas id
for user_id in user_dict:
# process each course and re-enroll the user
# we need to keep the indexing linked between course and enrollment
for c, course in enumerate(user_dict[user_id]['courses']):
# get the role id of the new role
# need this to move enrollments
role_id = roles_dict[user_dict[user_id]['roles'][c]]
# get the current enrollment id
enroll_id = user_dict[user_id]['enrollments'][c]
endpoint = course_endpoint.format(course)
# now set the new enrollments
self.set_enrollment(f"{root_url}{endpoint}", user_id, role_id, enroll_id)

def get_data(self, dsn, sql, param):
Executes the stored procedure and gets the applicable data set.
@param dsn: String
@param sql: String
@param param: String
@return: List
@raise exception: EpsException
db = EpsDB(dsn)
if not db: raise Exception(f"{self.__class__.__name__}.get_data. Could not connect to database.")
rs = db.get(sql, param)
if not rs: raise Exception(f"{self.__class__.__name__}.get_data. No data set returned.")
return rs

def get_account_roles(self, url, role_dict):
Gets the active roles and puts them in a roles dictionary.
@param url: String
@param role_dict: Dictionary
@return Dictionary
@raise exception: EpsException
role_id_dict = {}
# get all active roles
data_dict = {'state[]': 'active', 'per_page': 100}
resp = self.session.get(url, data=data_dict, headers=self.header)
if resp.status_code == 200:
# check the headers "link" attribute for the last relational link
for link in resp.headers['Link'].split(','😞
if 'rel=last' in link.replace('"','').replace("'",'').lower():
# grab the total pages count by parsing out the url parts and convert to int
page_total = int(parse.parse_qs(parse.urlparse(link.split(';')[0])[4])['page'][0])
# we need to get all results since we are being paginated
# these sections perform the same logic, just easier to to write it this way
if page_total > 1:
p = 1
while p <= page_total:
data_dict.update({'page': p})
resp = self.session.get(url, data=data_dict, headers=self.header)
json = loads(resp.text)
for _ in json:
if _['role'] in role_dict.values(): role_id_dict[_['role']] = _['id']
p += 1
json = loads(resp.text)
for _ in json:
if _['role'] in role_dict.values(): role_id_dict[_['role']] = _['id']
else: raise Exception(f"{self.__class__.__name__}.get_account_roles. Response {resp.text} returned.")
return role_id_dict

def get_enrollments(self, url, map_dict):
Gets the roles for the user and place in a user dictionary.
@param url: String
@param map_dict: Dictionary
@return Dictionary
@raise exception: EpsException
user_list = []
enrollments_list = []
roles_list = []
user_dict = {}
# make a copy of the class data dictionary so we can update it
data_dict = self.data_dict.copy()
# we should never exceed the per_page value
# i mean really....over 100 enrollments?
# current_and_future is a special state for all courses, published and unpublished
data_dict.update({'state[]': 'current_and_future', 'per_page': 100})
resp = self.session.get(url, data=data_dict, headers=self.header)
if resp.status_code == 200:
json = loads(resp.text)
for _ in json:
# check if user is enrolled in the course per the map_dict keys
if _['role'] in map_dict:
user_id, course_id, enroll_id = [_['user_id'], _['course_id'], _['id']]
# build the user enrollment dictionary for those mapped roles
if user_list: user_dict = {user_id: {"courses": user_list, "enrollments": enrollments_list, "roles": roles_list}}
else: raise Exception(f"{self.__class__.__name__}.get_enrollments. Response {resp.text} returned.")
return user_dict

def set_enrollment(self, url, user_id, role_id, enroll_id):
Sets the user enrollment for the course by deleting the original enrollment, making a new one.
@param url: String
@param user_id: Int
@param role_id: Int
@param enroll_id: Int
@raise exception: EpsException
# now we enroll the user in the proper role
# we keep the enrollment type blank so the role id will override the base enrollment
data = {"enrollment[user_id]": user_id, "enrollment[type]": '', "enrollment[role_id]": role_id, "enrollment[enrollment_state]": "active"}
resp = self.session.post(url, data=data, headers=self.header)
if resp.status_code == 200:
# do not change the url as we want to delete the old enrollment now
resp = self.session.delete(f"{url}/{enroll_id}", data={"task": "delete"}, headers=self.header)
if resp.status_code == 200: self.rc += 1
else: raise Exception(f"{self.__class__.__name__}.set_enrollment. Response {resp.text} returned.")
else: raise Exception(f"{self.__class__.__name__}.set_enrollment. Response {resp.text} returned.")

# end of class
x = EpsITSyncCanvasEnrollments()

This is the flow:

  1. Read in the configuration .ini files, one that is global (the EpsConfiguration class) and one that named the same as this class
  2. Assign the configuration values to class values
  3. Query the database for the data set of user login ids
  4. Get a data set of all of the roles that currently exists in our Canvas instance
  5. For each user, act as that user and get all of the current and future enrollments
  6. Using the mapping dictionary, find each enrollment that we need to change and get the role id value from the list of roles that were grabbed earlier
  7. For each enrollment that is applicable for the user, enroll the user in the new role for the course and set it to active and then delete the old enrollment

And there you go.  You have moved all of your applicable enrollments over to the new one without having to do it manually.  Setting this script up as a regular job, depending on your needs of course, will ensure that your Canvas user role assignments don't get out of control.

4 1 1,585
Community Champion

I find the current system of emails of newly submitted assignments to be almost worthless, as I am in a number of courses where there are large numbers of students and most of them are irrelevant from my point of view as a teacher. In these courses, sections have been created to make it easy for a teacher to view the subset of students that is actually relevant to the teacher. However, since I have a large number of such courses (i.e., more than a dozen) and students are submitting material at their own pace through these courses, it is difficult to find the wheat among the chaff of notices about submissions for each of these courses.

This motivated the design of a program to get information about just the assignment submissions that I am interested in. Of course one can easily get a list of all the courses that a user is in, but how can you know what sections within these courses a user is interested in?  The answer is to ask the user to provide this information!

The result is two programs:

  1. create_JSON_file_of_sections_in_your_courses.py
  2. list_ungraded_submissions_in_your_courses_JSON.py

The first program creates a JSON formatted file with a course_info dictionary of the form:

{"courses_to_ignore": dict_of_courses_to_ignore,

"courses_without_specific_sections": dict_of_courses_without_specific_sections,

"courses_with_sections": dict_of_courses_with_sections


courses_to_ignore are courses that the user wants to ignore
courses_without_specific_sections are courses where the user is responsible for all the students in the course
courses_with_sections are courses where the user has a specific section - the specific section's name may be the user's name (in Canvas) or some other unique string (such as "Chip's section"). Because the name of the relevant section can be arbitrary, this file is necessary to know which section belongs to a given user.

The second program reads the information from the JSON file and then prunes out the courses_to_ignore from the list of a user's courses and then uses the information from courses_without_specific_sections and courses_with_sections to iterate through the courses and looks for ungraded assignments and then for each of the relevant students (in a course or section) looks for an ungraded assignment. Currently, the program just outputs information about these assignments.

To set up the JSON file is easy, you simply run the first program and then move entries from the courses_with_sections dict to one of the other dicts (removing unnecessary or irrelevant sections as you go). You can fun the first program in update mode (with the -U flag) to add more courses - it remembers the courses you have set to be ignored and the ones you have responsibility for all the students.

The programs can be found at GitHub - gqmaguirejr/Canvas-tools: Some tools for use with the Canvas LMS. 

Of course, I discovered an assignment that had been submitted that I had not seen, so on to grading it!

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