[Account Settings] Enable Feature Options at sub-account level only

Problem statement:

Currently, we cannot enable Feature Options at only the sub-account level. After the disastrous rollout of New Quizzes we would like the option to enable Feature Options at only a sub-account level for our various support teams and super users to test new Features. Currently, you have to unlock a Feature at the root level to have the option to enable it within a sub-account. Unlocking the Feature means that any instructor can then enable that Feature in their course. We did this with New Quizzes and it did not go well. Now we have a population of instructors that want nothing to do with New Quizzes and that will make the transition a bit more work for us. We can see the same sort of thing happening with the new Discussion redesign. This is why we would like to enable this feature within a sub-account only.

Proposed solution:

The ability to enable Feature Options on the sub-account only. This will help us better prepare and pilot new Features before they get rolled out to the rest of our users. It would also give us the ability to try out new Features with our super users. This in turn would give us the ability to provide instructor feedback to Canvas on said new Features. The Discussion redesign is a perfect example, if we could enable this at only the sub-account level we can then grant access to our instructional designers and other support folks to help try out.

User role(s):


Added to Theme

Community Coach
Community Coach

I completely agree. New Quizzes is one of the major reasons I think this would be important. We're looking at enforcing the use of New Quizzes a year ahead of Instructure's enforcement of it. We had planned to keep a subaccount with Quizzes still on (for special cases where NQ functionality is just not there yet), but it looks like all of the NQ migration options are at the root account. Please rectify this ASAP!

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Open
Community Member

I agree with this feature request. It could be very helpful to roll out a new feature to just a sub-set of users at a time. Even if the goal is to use said feature for the whole instance it may not be wise to have the entire user-base see a new feature at the start of the roll out.

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Added to Theme