Add status indicators for Crocodoc feedback provided, viewed, not viewed

  This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas
  Idea will be open for vote Wed. September 2, 2015 - Wed. December 2, 2015  Learn more about voting...


Students are clicking on their papers to download them but are not clicking on the Feedback button to view comments provided in Crocodoc. This is a serious user interface flaw in that students are missing very important information from their instructors to inform learning and progress on future works.


One solution would be to add a status icon indicating when feedback has been provided via Crocodoc and both when it has and has not been viewed by the student. This would inform students and instructors alike regarding use of this wonder feature in Canvas. (See image.)


Thank you Canvas Team for always learning!




  Comments from Instructure


For more information, please read through the Canvas Production Release Notes (2016-02-20)

Community Explorer

Kristin, I'm the OP for the feature request you mention above and this falls right inline with what I'd like to see.  The comments you post in Speed Grader do show up in the Gradebook so these two would kind of go hand in hand. They should be implemented together. 

Community Novice

I agree with the posts on this forum. I have voted up on this great idea to allow for a much more effective feedback between teachers and students in order to reduce the size of that 'grey area' which may give rise to other things such as students feeling they have 'been hard done by' by the the teacher which may even lead to time consuming grade appeals.

Let's hope we can reach the 100 votes required to pass this motion in order to make all of our lives easier by making our grading much more transparent.


Community Contributor

Great idea! This is a good example of actually useful analytics - teachers can develop concrete actions based on this knowledge.

They might adapt their delivery ("I noticed that a lot of you haven't looked at your assignment feedback. Because a lot of the same concepts will be on the upcoming test you may want to...") or their assessment methods ("many more people accessed the feedback from Assignment 1 than Assignment 2, suggesting that they found the feedback we're giving less useful than it should be...") or their course design ("we returned Assignment 2 on the weekend and no-one read their feedback, so maybe we should return it while they are in class so that we can go over it together").

This would be most useful to me if you could see this for all students in your class at once (a 'class at a glance' view).

Community Champion

Targeted communication for this would be awesome. That is, after Instructure implements this feature request, we could use a "Message Students who have viewed / not viewed the assignment feedback." That would be super handy.

Community Member


Love your suggestion for a "Message" students option tied to the read/not read status of feedback given in Crocodoc. Thanks for voting up my idea and expanding it, making it even better!

Community Novice

Great idea. It would be nice if it would also include a messaging feature so all the students who haven't viewed the feedback could be notified all at once.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

A really good suggestion. I'm researching it to see if it's possible to do something like this that will be reliable and accurate. Thanks for the suggestion!

Community Novice

If this is being adjusted anyway, it would be amazing to see that option moved somewhere less affected by browser/browser zoom/branding/etc. Our 'view feedback' button is shoved under the side of the submission comments bar in most browsers Smiley Sad It's an issue nearly bi-weekly with our students/faculty.

Screen Shot 2015-12-16 at 4.08.32 PM.png

Screen Shot 2015-12-16 at 4.08.40 PM.png

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hey folks! We're actively working on a way to help instructors see when a student has viewed feedback (meaning: the student has clicked on the "View Feedback" button) in Speedgrader.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi Amanda!

Have you reported this as a bug?