All or No Points on Multiple Answer Questions

Currently multiple answer questions give a partial score if students do not choose all the correct answers. Please add a feature that allows faculty to set multiple answer questions to give an all or nothing score if the student does not choose all of the correct answers. Many professional certification exams require this type of scoring and currently our faculty are having to hand grade these questions.
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

For details, please refer to How do I create a Multiple Answer question in New Quizzes?

Community Novice

As previously stated, nursing programs really need this feature.

Community Novice

Please add this feature.

Community Novice

This feature is very needed by nurse educators in order to prepare our students for professional licensing examinations. Please add this feature.

Community Member

Please add this feature. It is needed to help us prepare our students for NCLEX

Community Novice

I spend an inordinate amount of time hand grading select all that apply questions.  Please add this feature.

Community Novice

Canvas has received a high number of school's of nursing comments regarding adding this feature. Now we get to vote/comment on it again where it still remains important. I know this must be a complex issue or it would have been solved by now. Canvas, please keep focusing some attention to this important matter to seek resolution.

Community Novice

This is absolutely critical design feature that must be added. I am sure other disciplines require this testing feature besides nursing. Please, implement.


Community Explorer

All 7 of our partners that we support on Canvas need this feature.  We're forced to look for other testing solutions because all healthcare licensure exams score as "All or Nothing".

Community Participant

To be beneficial for all users of canvas, this needs to be an option that you can select.  There should be options for: all or none, and points for answer A OR B, and also for partial.  All of these are needed for different circumstances and just having one option would be bad.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hey there! I totally understand the need for this feature. My mother is a nurse and I know how important (and stressful) the testing and certification process is for Nursing. I can also see this feature is a good one that wouldn't only be used by Nursing schools. This is a great idea and we will attempt to include it in our upcoming refactor of Quizzes, but it's not a feature we can add immediately. The refactor will allow us to add features like this and make it easier for us to fix and change things. So... the next logical question? When will this refactor be done? Great Question! I can tell you that it is scheduled to start this summer, but predicting it's completion date isn't something we can do just yet. Stay tuned. Once we dive into the project, we'll know more and will have more flexibility to respond to quiz requests.