[Announcements] Bulk Editing Options

Currently on the announcement page of a course if an instructor wants to bulk delete announcements they must check the box next to each announcement before they can click delete button. Additionally, an instructor must edit each announcement one by one to change the delay date. This is tedious process and a waste of instructors' time. 


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Added to Theme

Community Novice

Yes, please add PUBLISH/UNPUBLISH and DATE TO PUBLISH features in Announcements!!!  After every single of my classes I send a summary of the class and the homework assignment.  This has been very helpful for my students.  🙂  But there is no reason why I should have to repeat all the announcements if I am teaching the same course.

THIS WOULD BE SO HELPFUL!     Thanks so much for listening to faculty members.    🙂 

Community Novice

Totally agree!  If it is all possible can you, please, enable this feature in Canvas!


Thank you for your consideration!

Community Member

I agree, this is a much needed feature! I was surprised not to find some sort of "select all" button

Community Member

Agreed that this is needed! Related - it would be ideal to be able to have announcements saved as drafts so there is no concern with them auto-sending at the wrong time. Putting the send date after the end of the course is one solution, but simply being able to save drafts without setting a publish date would also help address this and the bulk editing (much as you're able to bulk edit assignment dates) would be tremendously helpful.

Community Novice

Yes to all these comments about bulk updates to announcements. I'd like to add one more need. When I copy a course, I reuse standard announcements each term. I would like to have my profile picture showing instead of the circled U. Right now, I have to copy the text and paste it into a new announcement to make this happen. When I do this, there is a bunch of extra text that automatically copies and can't be deleted except by going into HTML mode - more steps that take more time!

Community Participant

I would also like to have the ability to mass delete announcements without having to click each individual announcement. I have several RSS feeds being delivered to the announcements and when I copy the course for a new semester I have to individually click all of these to delete. Please make a bulk selection to delete emails a feature.

Community Explorer

Mass delete!  So obvious!

Community Member

Ditto. It's a no brainer. 

Community Participant

This needs to get brought back into the conversation. A tool to bulk edit announcements, as we have for assignments, should be investigated.

Community Explorer

I support the idea of having a bulk announcement date management editing screen like the one for Assignments.