[Assignments] Missing Assignments List on Student User Frontpage

In order to see assignments with a Missing status, students must click on Grades. Instead, the list of missing assignments should be on their front page.

The idea is to have a separate "Missing" assignments list above the To Do list on the front page of all students.

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I would like to see a Grades page, like the existing one, but be able to group results by Course instead of having to select a single one and then be able to filter by Status to just show missing/late assignments, for example.

The use case is that, as a parent, my most regular activity on Canvas is going in and checking that my children are keeping up with their assignments. I currently have to do 36 click-throughs and a bunch of scrolling to get this picture.

Another thing that would be useful is this sort of summary of all classes and just their Grade Total. This sort of "Transcript" or Grade Summary page seems like it would be the most used page for users and it is really surprising that this functionality is not currently present (I cannot see it anyway).

With those two views I can quickly check if my children have missing assignments and also see a summary of how they're doing overall. With that context, I could then dig deeper using the current Grades functionality.

Really, this seems like a primary scenario for both parents and students.

Community Novice

There should be a tab in canvas that shows all missing work for all classes in one place (in order of when they were due) with late work included. This would make work a lot easier to keep up with so that students do not have to switch between each class 

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I think you should add a tab for like all your missing assignments. So like if I have 2 missing assignments in math and 5 in ELA  to make it easier to access the missing assignments you can combine them from all your classes under a tab.

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As a parent of middle school and high school children with an "observer" role in Canvas, my #1 most requested feature is a way to see all of my children's missing assignments for current/active courses.  Our schools do allow for turning in late assignments for partial credit so it is helpful to see able to see this data in a timely manner. 

It is really cumbersome to click through 14 courses in the graded assignments view and scroll through all assignments to get this information.    Ideally, the results would be grouped/filtered by student and sorted/filtered by active course and then by assignment due date  Where this feature lives is less important, I think, than the ability to access the data quickly and efficiently ideally as soon as it is marked missing rather than after it is graded.

One potential solution (or additional feature) would be to add the option for push notifications to send a list of missing assignments.  Currently, you will get a list of assignments as they are graded and can look for any assignments that have a 0, grading can occur several days 


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It would be wonderful if one could do a MASS "missing" application to multiple students without having to open up speed grader. Just by viewing the grade book it would be nice to put in mass missing assignments to several students

Community Member

I think this is a great idea because it would allow students to have all of their missing assignments in one place instead of them having to search each individual subject's grade tab and find their missing assignments there. I feel very strongly about this because going through each grade tab can cause students to get overwhelmed and give up after only a few items.

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