[Assignments] Submit an assignment on behalf of a student

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

As an instructor, I'd like the option to submit assignments on behalf of my students. This feature should enable me to pick a file from my computer and upload it as a submission for a given student. I should then be able to assess the submission just as if the student had submitted it themselves. A note should appear somewhere that indicates I submitted the assignment on behalf of my student. This would help me in cases where, for instance, my students submit an assignment on paper or the submission is a performance (a speech or presentation) that I capture on video.


transferred from the old Community

Originally posted by: Bill Hanna
Special thanks for contributions by: Paul Gibbons, Sydney Cheek-O'Donnell, Kona Jones, Stefanie Sanders

Community Champion

As long as the submission is clearly marked as being submitted by the teacher I think it would be a nice feature. I too am concerned about students using this as a crutch and not learning how to submit assignments properly, have out dated browsers or other technical issues that they need to address.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @Jeff_F ​, the Turnitin originality declaration is enabled and customized at the account and course level, only appears in the Turnitin API, which is being deprecated. That's why many users here can't see it; they're most likely using the Turnitin LTI.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Muchas gracias! 

Community Novice

I think this is an important feature -- it forces students to communicate with me about their late paper rather than letting the system allow for a late paper and merely time stamp it late.

Community Novice

Please add this feature. Our previous Course Management System (Sakai) allowed us to do this -- and I don't understand why Canvas can't.  Not being able to do this seriously reduces the functionality of the system.

Community Coach
Community Coach

 @mmollin ​ -  I disagree with the assertion of the system having seriously reduced functionality due to Instructors not being able to submit a file for students.   I've yet to accept a file sent to me via email as it is the responsibility of the student to post their work. 

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

I agree,  @Jeff_F . Not having this doesn't reduce functionality a single iota. I've received literally thousands of assignment submissions in Canvas over the last five-plus years, and since I set my expectations at the beginning of every semester, and put those expectations in the syllabus as a participation requirement, students get it. If a student tries to submit an assignment by email or as an attachment to a Canvas message, I walk the student through the steps to resubmit correctly and remind her that if she doesn't, she'll get a zero for the assignment. I'd rather teach students how to do things correctly than accommodate their lack of understanding by employing a feature like this on their behalf. My comments upthread indicate my relative unease with how this idea, if implemented, might be used or abused, and as the wise  @kona ​ said many months ago, if it is implemented, the assignment must carry with it a clear designation that it was submitted by the instructor on behalf of the student so that we can maintain a record of accountability.

Community Champion

I also agree  @Jeff_F ​

In reality, uploading an assignment submission to Canvas is no more difficult that uploading a photo to Facebook, and very young folk do that all the time. I have a granddaughter who was doing this before she started school.

Do I recognize that this could be a useful feature? Yes, with the same caveats shared by Stefanie and Kona.

Is it absolutely necessary to Canvas? Oh heck no! We've been using Canvas for 4+ years without this feature, and have never once had a student or faculty member come into our office asking support for this.


Community Explorer

Some may not have use for this feature but let's not try to sour development on it.  Certainly, you don't have to use this ability.  I think we can agree that many of us teach very different courses with very different requirements.  I have a large group of students who live outside the campus area who have to submit specific assignments at different times than their peers.  If they post their paper under Comments, I can't use Crocodoc and the rubric I've set up.  This feature would allow me to do that as well as cover students with a host of excuses that I'm mandated to accept at my university.

Community Contributor

Amen, Charles!

While I can certainly see pedagogic benefit to pushing students to, y'know, read the directions and follow them -- and, broadly speaking, I support it wholeheartedly… this particular feature is something that would really be a benefit to just "getting business done" as that important pedagogic philosophy is, shall we say, still being imprinted on learners.