[Calendar] Cross Out A Completed Event In Your Own Calendar

As a student, instructors can add assignments to the calendar so that we can see. Once we complete the assignment, the assignment title on the calendar can be crossed out. It would be helpful to have the ability to cross out calendar events that we create, so that we know we completed an assignment that the instructors didn't add themselves. We can delete our own events, but I will forget if I did the assignment or I forgot to add it to the calendar.

Community Member

I was just thinking this myself. I have an entire course without calendar entries, and I use the calendar HEAVILY to make sure I have completed tasks.

Even the ability to check events that Teachers post would be helpful, as discussion posts cross off as done, but I wont realize I'm supposed to have replied to two other people. 

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Open
Community Member

I was thinking this same thing! It would be nice to be able to cross out calendar entries manually. I don't add entries on the calendar, but some of the assignments from the teachers do not cross themselves out after being completed. It is incredibly irritating to look at the calendar for assignments I need to do only to see a bunch of assignments I have already done but have not crossed off due to not being directly in Canvas. Possibly link it with the Dashboard to when it's marked as completed, it also crosses off in the calendar? Or the option to manually cross assignments out from the calendar itself. Either way, as long as you can cross out ANY assignment or entry on the calendar in which Canvas does not automatically cross out when completed.

Community Member

I often use the Canvas calendar to gauge how many assignments I have due for the week in my online classes, and I like how assignments get crossed off as they are turned in. My issue is a lot of my work is submitted through external tools and I do not see a way to manually mark these items as complete.

I believe the Canvas calendar and the to-do list would be more useful if I could manually cross off items or otherwise label them to prioritize assignments.. 

Community Novice

When using canvas teachers will post some assignments to canvas that are summited on a different website. There  will be nothing to submit to canvas, however the calendar doesn't know this and doesn't cross out the assignment. There should be a way to manually cross out the assignments anyways so that way students can remember that they completed the assignment instead of canvas calendar acting like you still have no completed the assignment. 

Community Participant

I was just coming to post similar to Itsolivia - third-party products "integrate" enough to register on Calendars sometimes, or are manually added by the instructor, but then students cannot cross it off. This would be a nice addition for those students who wish to control their Calendar, whether they add an event/note to self and should be able to mark it off, or if they want to strike a course assignment listed for organizational purposes. 

Is there a way to vote on this? 🙂

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni


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Community Participant

Thanks Stefanie! I'm new to the "new" community (Next.Community? ;).

Community Novice

I do not create my own events in Canvas but I rely heavily on the visual element of crossed out assignments and tasks populated by the instructor. Today, I had a moment of panic when I saw some of last week's items were not crossed out. One was simply a reminder to read a chapter; the other was an assigned submission.

I was surprised that I could not "mark as complete" within the calendar.

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Community Member

Yeah, I'm constantly worried about ones that aren't crossed out. I have to try and remember if each assignment that's not crossed out was completed or not. It would also be extremely useful if we could cross assignments that are from any class, not just our own stuff from the calendar.