Change calendar back to showing full descriptions

  This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

When opening the calendar until yesterday, I could see all the assignments due on one day. Now, they are condensed in an all crammed together mess of colored boxes, as I usually have at least six assignment on one day, preventing me from visualizing the various individual assignments. It looks like they tried to fit the whole month on one page, but I was fine with the way it was before only seeing a few weeks at a time, but with bigger spaces for the days to accomodate multiple assignments. A setting to change it back or to zoom in and out would be great.


  Comments from Instructure


For more information, please read through the Canvas Production Release Notes (2016-04-23)

Community Coach
Community Coach

 @scottdennis ​ We've had a few people complain about this now too. That the titles are not wrapping and everything seems to be condensed. I opened a ticket with support and the response I received is below:

I am sorry that the calendar is cutting off your title entries short. Canvas will show the characters according to you screen display size so if the screen is stretched wider you would be able to see more of the characters. It does not wrap around because it wants to optimize space to allow for several appointments to show on a single day. I am posting link of a video example of me re-sizing my calendar screen so that you can see how the "title of my calendar event shows more or less depending on the screen size of my window.
Community Novice

It doesn't have anything to do with the resizing of the screen because the calendar is different now than it was on my phone as well. If you change the size of the window, the assignments display in a condensed form no matter what the size of the window. It is like the actual size of the day box itself is shorter and narrower than it was before.

Community Novice

Did you get  my email  Dennis, with the screen  shots?  For some reason,  they never show up in the forum even though I  can see the images pasted in when I post.


Hi Anabelle,

Yes, I did receive your screenshots.  Thanks for sending.  Its clear from comments in this thread and elsewhere in the community that something changed.  I'll try to find out what happened and post back here when I know more.



Before calendar.jpg


After calendar.png

Community Novice

And by the way, a similar thing happened to the grades page.... the name of the assignment is in a long skinny column about 3 letters in width.

Community Coach
Community Coach

We also had some reports of the student view of grades not showing up correctly. I think it might have to do with the screen resolution and/or zoom. I was able to have students use the Ctrl + (or Ctrl -) functions to get the student grade page to come up correctly.

Community Champion

I use two 22 inch monitors and everything looks fine. I suspect that the Saturday release may have messed up the scaling scripts for those two pages, and I suspect this because this update made changes to those two pages. I would think it's ticket time, which is no where near as much fun as Miller TimeSmiley Sad

Community Novice

I know that you guys at Canvas know about this now, but I cannot emphasize enough how big a drag this is.  It makes my work harder and more time consuming.  I rely on the Calendar.  In addition to using every day to post assignments, I often look back at what I was doing at this time last year, and now that is less efficient.  Yes, I know I can mouse over the entries and see them, but give me back the view I had before please. Please.


Hi All,

Just to be clear, there is an identified issue with long titles in calendar items no longer wrapping.  We know about it and are working to fix it.  Thank you for your continuing patience.


Sorry, Daniel  Smiley Sad