[Course Navigation] Make Rubrics link in Course Navigation visible to students
Currently, there is no central location where students can access all rubrics for the course. They can only access them through the individual assignments, which is not always easy, e.g. accessing discussion rubrics and rubrics for LTIs is not intuitive for students (an issue discussed elsewhere). The "Rubrics" link is only visible to faculty at the moment, not accessible to students. (Side note -- it isn't even clear visually that the link is only visible to faculty, but that is a separate idea conversation: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Idea-Conversations/Add-Visibility-Icon-to-Course-Navigation-Menu-...).
Make the "Rubrics" link in the course's left-hand navigation menu visible to students. Students would be able to click it (when it is enabled by the instructor) and see all course rubrics in one place. They would then have a *consistent* access to rubrics, as opposed to the inconsistent access that I described in the "Problem to Solve" section. Note: Like all navigation links, faculty would still have the option of hiding the "Rubrics" link from view if they wish, so this change would not force anyone to do anything differently. If their Rubrics list is full of archived or redundant rubrics, they can just keep that link hidden from students.
Added to Theme
Improved UI Controls and Usability - Added or clearer navigation and links Theme Status: Identified