[Credentials/Badges] Sub Issuers nested under Issuers

Problem statement:

Currently, in Canvas Credentials, each badge or pathway needs its own Issuer to be created. It would be nice to be able to nest "sub" Issuers under "master" Issuers to help organize them. All badges currently show as "verified" in the metadata. It would be nice to be able to change that to distinguish between badges that have been vetted and approved at a higher level to be "verified" or "certified" by the college, vs a more informal badge that an individual instructor may create within a course (e.g. extra credit = badge) that wouldn't need that level of vetting and approval. The informal badges wouldn't be the types one would post on their LinkedIn account or resume, but the "verified" or "certified" ones would be.

Proposed solution:

Allow for the creation and nesting of "sub Issuers" under other "master Issuers". Example #1: Issuer = School of Business, sub Issuer= MBA program. Example # 2, Issuer= College Certified Badges, sub Issuer= each School or program that is issuing badges that have been vetted and approved by official college entity Example #3= College Non-Certified Badges, sub Issuer = any individual course or student group, etc. This accomplishes two things, # 1 it helps organize related badges, such as different programs within a common School and #2, identify badges that have been vetted and approved by a college recognized authority vs the more informal badges that can be awarded at lower levels (individual courses, student groups and organizations, etc.)

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Thank you for sharing your idea! We reviewed your contribution and this inspired a new theme called Issuer Enhancements for Badge Management which we created. Please subscribe to that theme to receive updates.