[Files] Add an identifying element to identify files in a course that are not being used in the course

Problem statement:

We are migrating from Blackboard to Canvas. In the migration process, we are migrating literally hundreds of files from old courses that are many years' old. ,Most of these files are not being used in the newly revised Canvas versions of the course. Going through each one of the hundreds of files and images, particularly images, and then tracking down their location in the course, "if" they are being used in the course, is extremely time-consuming. This means that, because of a lack of time to be able to clean the course, those files are likely to be carried over as un-necessary cruft from course copy to course copy as the semesters move forward. Although quota may not be a concern, course management is a concern, as is accessibility management. Without having a mechanism to know whether a file and/or image is being used in a course, we don't have a good way to manage courses, or manage accessibility.

Proposed solution:

In the options available to each file (Download, Copy To, Send To, Rename, Move To, Delete, Share To Commons) please, at a minimum, add a flag to let us know if that file is being used in the course (Module, Assignment, Discussion, etc.). Better yet would be a "location" option to tell us "where" in the course it is being used. The "why" is to allow us to clean old course material from courses in a timely manner, and better be able to both manage content, and critically, manage accessibility of our courses.

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Added to Theme

Community Participant
Status changed to: Added to Theme

This idea has been added to the File Management Functionality and Experience theme for further consideration. 

Community Contributor
Problem statement:

When courses are copied from one term to another, there may be files from the source course that are not relevant in the new course. Even for freshly created courses, there can be files that get uploaded but never incorporated in the published course. These unused files create unnecessary data bulk that typically only increases with each iteration of the copied course.

Proposed solution:

A solution to this would be to include a workflow that analyzes all course files to determine where in the course they are being used. It could then provide a list of files that are suggested for deletion or download before deletion. The workflow could be initiated by the teacher or course designer, and could be included in the import a course copy process. Deleting these files will help eliminate and prevent wasted data bulk. Teachers will also have less clutter to browse through when selecting files to include on a page or as an attachment to a variety of other tools.

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Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Seeking Clarity

Hi @aaron_bahmer -

Thank you for sharing this idea! I wonder if [Files] Add an identifying element to identify files in a course that are not being used in the cour... would be similar to your request and would allow you to achieve the same outcome. If your idea would complement or align to the existing thread, I'll merge it. If it should stand independently, what would be the reason that your thread is unique?

Thank you for taking the time to correspond with us as we evaluate new ideas.

Community Contributor


Thanks for being able to find a similar idea -- I'm surprised the system didn't pick up on that as I wrote the title.

Indeed, I think the ideas expressed there are in line with my idea. Please do merge.

Community Participant

Thank you @aaron_bahmer I loved reading your description; I think you were way more eloquent than I was!  And thank you, @KristinL for watching for similar requests and joining our forces for us!  Have a great day, everyone!

Community Explorer
Problem statement:

I just want to look at the list of files and see which ones are not being used, so I can delete them.

Proposed solution:

In the file view, just give me another column after "accessibility" that gives a green checkmark if the file is being used somewhere in the current course, and a red X, if it is not being used. This does not seem like it should be hard to do, and would be extremely helpful, and yet Canvas has not yet implemented it.

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