[Gradebook] EASY CSV IMPORTS for grading

Problem statement:

How is this topic ( https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Ideas/I-can-not-import-grades-to-quot-the-Override-quot-co... ) seen as "resolved" ?? Educators are asking because this is necessary. The problem is that Canvas does not understand HOW absolutely absurd it is to be capable to import a CSV file EASILY into Canvas gradebook, especially when other gradebook competitors have done this for YEARS. Teachers utilize a plethora of online resources that automatically grade student work, and they create CSV reports, and it should be EASILY accessible to then add those reports to ONE Canvas assignment at a time and it ENTER in the gradebook. This shouldn't be cumbersome, but Canvas seems tone deaf to that sooo many educators have asked for this in various ways and it still can't be fixed ***properly***.

Proposed solution:

How is this topic ( https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Ideas/I-can-not-import-grades-to-quot-the-Override-quot-co... ) seen as "resolved" ?? Educators are asking because this is necessary. I have already replied to many singular topics started by other educators about "pushing CSV files into the gradebook" because Canvas needs to WAKE UP and REALIZE they are sooo behind the times. They are not answering educator's questions and it seems like they don't understand why this is so crucial to educator success. Apparently, Canvas does not understand the actual NEED for educators to be able to ***easily*** import CSV files into assignments. School Loop has had this capability for years and it allowed teachers to import grades from other websites with EASE. Teachers are tired of Canvas "speed" grader which is tedious and cumbersome, when it doesn't have to be. Again... Teachers NEED to be able to easily import from other online assignment portals, such as Khan Academy grades, etc. The TOP priority should be that at the BARE minimum, grades can easily be uploaded from a CSV file. Secondary to that, comments should ALSO be able to be uploaded as well.

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@nathanatkinson I am just checking in to see if there is any more movement on this?