[Gradebook] Message Students Who... for Grade Totals

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas LMS

I'd like to be able to use the 'message students who' function in the gradebook for more than a single assignment.  It would be useful to be able to go to the column in the gradebook for an assignment group and use the 'message students who'.  Same applies for the total grade column so teachers could after the first two weeks send out a message to all students that are under performing early enough for them to change there behavior.
We have three very similar ideas, all of which are open for voting, associated with the Message Students Who... feature, and we're grouping them here to keep Canvas Studio tidy. These are the other two:
Community Participant

I would love to see this feature added to the Gradebook.

Community Novice

Have a grade between X and X.

Community Member

really want to be able to send messages from the totals column, it would be helpful to be able to send a message to all student who are are getting and A, or an F. 

Community Member

This is very disappointing. Not having this feature hurts student's success. Smiley Sad

Come on Canvas fix this NOW.

Community Novice

We need this feature! Currently no easy way to contact students who are at risk of failing the course.

Community Novice

We definitely need this feature.  I started the same idea under a different header and was notified this "idea" was already posted.  This is a no-brainer.

Community Team
Community Team

Greetings  @mlewis23 ‌

Will you check out the Message Students Who section of Canvas Release: Analytics Beta (Course Grade) and let me know if this matches what you were seeking!  I know it's not out of the gradebook directly, but it sounds like it accomplishes your same goal?

Community Novice

Hello Renee,

It might. What I can’t tell is whether this feature works from the “Total Grade” column or not? I want the ability to message students who have a failing total course grade directly from the grade book.



Community Team
Community Team

Hi Debra.  

At this point the Analytics solution works from the Analytics Beta tool, not from the gradebook itself.  But it does accomplish what you are seeking.

Community Participant

Hello  @Renee_Carney  ,

I was wondering about this myself. Thank you for the clarification. 

My institution has not yet added the Analytics Beta tool to our list of available Features Options in Canvas. Might you know if there are any plans to make the "Message Students Who..."  option available for the Totals Column in the Gradebook (old or new), as an addition to the existing option already available for the assignments columns (e.g. Message Students Who... Haven't submitted, Scored more/lower than, etc. on an assignment)?