[Groups] Group Roster Export

This is an idea to modify group functionality so one can either export student group lists/rosters to a .csv spreadsheet format OR have groups listed in one of the spreadsheet columns when grades are exported (in the same fashion that Username and course section are included). In large enrollment classes, this is an absolutely essential feature. We use teams to set up tools external to the CMS and there currently is no easy way to access group data in the current Canvas configuration.

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It's finally here! As part of the Group Import CSV File feature in Canvas Deploy Notes (2020-10-21) , after clicking +Import for groups, the Download Course Roster CSV provides a file of students and their existing group memberships:

Download Course Roster CSV and the Import feature can be used together, much like Gradebook import/export.


Community Contributor

It's strange that the release notes did not mention this. It took us a long time before someone spotted it. They should blow the horns and ring the bells 😁

Community Participant

Hi @RobDitto can you verify if you still get the groups in the downloaded csv? It' doesn't seem to provide any group data, the two columns are blank when I've tried it


Community Champion

@willmoin, yes, when students are assigned to groups, there will be values for:

  • group_name matching the name of each group in the group set which has students
  • canvas_group_id matching the ID in that group's URL for its group site.
  • A third column, group_id, is blank, which I believe to be normal for groups which are not imported using Group Categories CSV Format .

However, when no students are assigned to any groups, there's no group data in the Course Roster CSV, just student data.  (That issue may be worth raising a support case; the challenge is that with little documentation, there might not be a contrary behavior here, only an odd implementation of intended functionality.)

Community Participant

@RobDitto that's good news - for some reason it wasn't working yesterday so I was doing something wrong. Couple of things I notice is that the group data reported corresponds to the tab of the groupset you're on when you hit the Import button (I think I've got that right), so like you say, if you're on a tab with group enrolments of zero these columns are empty. I tried it on a small course with low enrolments and another with ~200 groups ~400 students and both worked. Thanks for getting back to me and confirming! Best, Will

Community Champion

>the group data reported corresponds to the tab of the groupset you're on when you hit the Import button (I think I've got that right

Confirmed - this group set targeting (depending on where you press Import) makes the CSV very useful! @willmoin I'm really glad this is working for you now.

Community Participant

Help! What is the key here? The group CSV export works great in a class that I just taught; however, in a new course, with enrollment in place and people assigned to groups--and while on that tab in Groups (yes, I've tried it multiple times)--I still get no data in the export. I tried publishing the course and it still didn't work. Do students need to access the course before it will work? Do the groups need to be attached to an assignment first? Any other ideas?

Community Participant

I FIGURED IT OUT! So, in the new class for our winter term, the group CSV download is blank while the course term is set to Winter 21 (that term isn't available to students for another week), but when I change it to Default term the CSV includes the group members. Odd but true. I imagine it will work find after the date at which students can access courses. 

Community Participant

Hmmm, curious!

Community Participant

Does the course start and end dates override the Term setting for the group export?  I've tried for a class that I need to export the data in, however, it is still providing me with a blank csv file.  The course has been published and the course start and end dates have been updated.  However, I do know that the term date is Spring 21 and that does not start yet until next Friday for students.  Would this affect the group membership download roster?