[Inbox] Signature Block

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas LMS

It would be nice to have the option to add a signature block that can automatically be added to "Inbox" messages as well as discussion posts.

Community Participant

My solution to the problem is to use regular e-mail and Outlook Contact Lists instead of Canvas messaging.  I have to spend time making lists of students' names, but for me it's the best choice.

If I had extremely large classes, this wouldn't be possibile.

On the rare occasion that I use Canvas messaging, I note that Canvas lacks a signature feature.  I may start adding that Canvas ignores the high user demand for this extremely basic feature.

Community Explorer

We have instructors who would would like to see a feature that adds signature blocks to messages automatically. Right now we have to recommend a copy and paste method.

Community Member

Canvas emails need a signature line like Outlook and Google offer.  It's a waste of time to sign every sign email.  For visually impaired instructors, this is likely an ADA issue.

Community Novice

Has Canvas started discussing this idea? It would be great not to type our name every time and also we could add office hours or a quick link.

Community Novice

I would have used the signature block if it existed.


Community Novice

I'm adding my vote to this! We need the signature function on Canvas email.

Community Member

How to add signature line to Canvas email  - I have been using Canvas for years, and the fact that Canvas Inbox does not have a signature setting is frustrating, to say the least. It should have been added years ago. Every time I email a professor using Canvas Inbox, I feel it is professional to add not only my name, but my University#, email, and direct phone number. To have to do this every time is unnecessary. All Canvas has to do is code in a place to create, save, and edit a signature. This is a component of every email program on the market, and Canvas on the higher ed level should be no different. If we are using your software to become professionals, don't you feel it would make sense to allow students, professors, and TA's to be as professional as possible when communicating with one another. My two young children also use Canvas during this COVID-19 pandemic, and I am trying to teach them to send out comprehensive emails to their teachers and schoolmates. I send a ton of emails to my professors and having to sign every time is just plain and simply a waste of time. Time is something we have to manage wisely, especially when we have to work full time, and have kids at home. Please incorporate a signature feature into Canvas. Thank you. 

Community Member

Agreed. If Canvas has an 'inbox' that functions like email. The ability to add a signature block seems basic. 

Community Member

I'm confused as to why this isn't a feature if it's been requested for years and hasn't been implemented. I must be missing something, then. What's the hold up?

Community Member

This is a feature long overdue. I didn't see the conversation when it first appeared, but I would say that it is something that should be automatically added if possible without needing a vote. It is basic email/messaging expectations in this day and age. Please add the option. Thanks. Prof. D.