[Learning Mastery Gradebook] Breakdown of all grades of an "Outcome" in the Learning Mastery table
Background: The table Learning Mastery (under Grades) is a good tool to see the students' current status in a course. In my country the different course criteria are the deciding factors for the final grade. Thus it is also important to have more control over the Outcomes in Canvas, if I as a teacher should be able to use this tool.
Suggestion: I suggest this box that should appear when you select an outcome grade (see picture). We need a way to have better view over the Learning Mastery. Currently you can only see the summary/average of an outcome, but you should be able to see the full breakdown of all the assignments where that specific Outcome got graded (arrow 1). In that way you can more easily see if the calculated average is a correct indication of a students skills or if it is wrong, because you as a teacher knows which assignments are more important for the grade.