Missing Assignment Tag in Gradebook

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas


In other  Gradebooks, we have been able to enter an "M" is a student hadn't submitted an assignment.  It would read the grade as a zero.  This is similar the EX feature you already have in Canvas.  I know in the individual view I can changed all Ungraded homework to read as a zero but this isn't practical if I don't grade the homework the same day it is submitted.  My teachers only enter a zero if student was present and that's grade they earned.  If they are absent, etc an M is a great way to distinguish they are still allowed to turn in the assignment but still affects their overall grade if it isn't turned in.



Comments from Instructure

For more information, please read through the Canvas Production Release Notes (2018-01-06) .

:smileyinfo: We recognize that the specifically requested "M" was not implemented.  M, like EX, is not a standard symbol globally, so the feature was intentionally designed without it. EX was already in place and the decision was made not to remove it.  We do not plan to add any additional non-standard symbols.  EX actually causes a lot of confusion and problems for our international users 😞

Community Novice

Agreed! The assignment MUST remain on the student's to do list.    

Community Novice

Agreed. Adding an M to the gradebook only helps if the assignment remains on the student's to do list.

Community Novice

Yes! This is a must!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

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Community Novice

Why is this, after a year later, not a feature yet?  Extremely frustrated with the lack of this feature that is MUCH needed and standard on most every other gradebook out there!

Community Novice

I was thinking at Instructure-Con this year they said that the "M" for missing would be available soon?  Did anyone else go that can verify that? Maybe I was just dreaming, since I want it to happen so badly.

Community Novice

We are now passing our Canvas Gradebook to our school's SIS and everytime the teacher inputs a INC or M in the SIS the passback overwrites it.  It would be great to Add the M or A in order for the grades to reflect that instead of a flat 0.

Community Novice

I was thinking that the "M" feature was going to be added by this past December?  We need this feature.

Community Participant

Is this being pushed into production yet?  We really need for parents to visually identify missing assignments!  Having a placeholder grade (e.g. 30%) is confusing to them and many parents, along with some students, think the assignment has been turned in and simply received a low score.

Community Member

Having a way to distinguish a missing grade (and the ability to determine what % that MI would be worth) would be a HUGE time saver. I hope that this is coming to production as it would make Canvas a much easier tool to communicate to parents and students about why the assignments that have not been turned in will affect their grade. Thank you!