[Modules] Assignment/Module Accessibility
I would love for my students t be able to access modules, assignments, pages through just my homepage even though I have disabled the assignment, module, pages link in the course navigation.
I wanted to remove all of the links from the course navigation and just have HOME as the only option, but if I do this students are unable to access their assignments and modules through my homepage buttons.
This would be ideal for elementary students. I teach 1st grade and had to continually remind my parents/students not to work ahead in assignments because they would push a button to get to their module, but then hit assignments trying to complete everything and they always ended up doing things that weren't assigned yet.
I know I can unpublish assignments, etc, but I feel like the other way is easier for my students that way they don't get lost trying to go back home. I even linked the homepage to their last assignment and they still kept clicking assignments instead.