[Modules] Modules Display as Collapsed by Default

With courses that have many modules and module items, the default un-collapsed state on the modules page makes the view overwhelming. I would love the option to choose a 'current' module and have that automatically open for students or at least have the default view be auto-collapsed. The un-collapsed view is often a turn-off to faculty and designers who are considering different ways to represent their course content.

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My students don't even realize they can actually collapse the modules one by one. This would help a lot with our UX.

I'm pretty shocked this has been a request since 2016 and still not considered. I wonder it is not very hard to implement.

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I would love to be able to set the modules to be collapsed by default. It's a great way to be able to give students a birds-eye view of the material they will be covering.

Community Member

Please develop this functionality!!! This has a huge impact on students being able to navigate a lot of content. 

Community Explorer

Teachers would like Modules to open in "Collapsed" view. In most cases(all??), students/teachers do not need to see each item in each module.

Additionally, it would be an excellent feature to allow the teacher to have all collapsed, except for a focused one...or select several to be "{Expanded" and all others to be "Collapsed".

Community Explorer

Anyone ever received an explanation of why it hasn't been added?

Community Explorer


Does it recall the Collapse selection after reboot? Assuming it's a cookie that controls it.

Community Member

It would seem that this thread was started 7 years ago yet it still not possible to set the default view of modules to collapsed. I would love it to be so. My staff view seems to be expanded by default as well and despite the single button collapse, it's annoying having to do it most of the time. Thanks.

Community Member

Having the ability to display all modules collapsed by default, or having only the current/focused module open would improve student learning outcomes, especially for courses with many pages and modules. Organizing content in this way would reduce cognitive load by removing unnecessary stimuli in the learning environment, which is shown to have positive outcomes for cementing learning into long-term memory. I would love to see this feature implemented!

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