[New Quizzes] Allow annotated feedback in Speedgrader for essay questions

Completing assessment online is fast becoming the norm in Australia, and our students are expected to complete a range of tests via this method, including extended writing pieces. In order to prepare our students for such experiences, we are using the Essay option in Quizzes for students to submit timed writing pieces, as Spell Check can be switched off, work is saved in case of error, and Speedgrader allows teachers to use the inbuilt rubric to provide feedback. 


However, currently, teachers are unable to provide any annotations onto student submissions if they are submitted through the Quizzes function, unlike a Microsoft Word typed and uploaded piece, which has extensive options for annotation through Speedgrader. 


It seems that annotation in Quizzes is something that is desired for students as well, in this idea: Student Highlight & Annotation Tools for Quizzes


I would like for there to be options for teachers to annotate essay submissions from students through the Quizzes tool via Speedgrader, to facilitate more meaningful feedback and therefore improved engagement with feedback from students.  

Community Participant

100% agree with this suggestion. Annotations for essay questions, and for file upload there the file type is supported would be a huge boon for marking.

Also, if Studio could be used for feedback, then for those file uploads where it isn't a supported file type, the instructor could make a video directly there in feedback with screen capture and audio provide that type of contextual feedback also!

Community Novice

Love this idea! Since we started a year ago to conduct digital exams on campus, we have been asked several times from faculty members, whether there will be anytime soon such a function imbedded within Canvas. There is a real demand for an annotated feedback function! Not to mention all the benefits both teacher (transparent corrections etc.) and student (receiving adequate and detailed feedback etc.) can have 🙂

Many thanks!

Community Member

Same here! It'll be a game changer for us, because this missing feature is a "must have" for a huge number of teachers. It'll save us a lot of time and it'll increase our service. So @awilliams: Please implement this with priority 😉  Need to push this idea to the max. 

Community Explorer

I also would like to see this feature implemented in new quizzes. We have had several of our faculty asking for this to make grading easier.

Community Explorer

I thought since New Quizzes used Speedgrader we would be able to annotate essays here just like we do for assignment submissions. Very disappointed that we cannot. Please add this feature!

Community Member

I would also like to create quizzes that allows a quiz question to present a file (similar to the student annotation submission assignment) to students and then students annotate the file based on a set of instructions. Using the stimulus option, I would like to ask students not only to annotate the file but also to answer multiple choice questions about the same file and/or write an essay response to it, etc. This type of assessment would be more meaningful than a simple multiple choice question.

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Problem statement:

Professors are requesting the ability to annotate students' written answers in exams via SpeedGrader. There is currently no option for a professor to highlight a word/sentence and leave a comment specifically for that highlighted text.

Proposed solution:

Provide an option in SpeedGrader for instructors to highlight text in a written exam answer to leave a comment/feedback for that highlighted text.

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Status changed to: New