[New Quizzes] Carry Forward Correct Answers on Quiz Multiple Attempts

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

When a teacher assigns multiple attempts for an assignment it would be nice if the system would automatically perform one of the following during the student's next attempt:


1. Populate the correct answers from the previous attempt. 

2. Show only the incorrect problems from the previous attempt.

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Community Novice

This is a must have feature for foreign language instruction. I have to have a way for students to do low-stakes homework assignments where they can self-correct. If the process of using quizzes for this is too tedious, Canvas is not offering what I need it to do.

Community Novice

 @scottdennis ‌ I work with adult migrants who want to develop English language skills. Many of my current students are also developing digital literacy skills. I would like learners to complete formative assessment tasks prior to summative assessment. Unfortunately, it would not be logical to do this with Canvas quizzes at this stage as learners lose their work in the process of making further attempts. My learners and I would be happy to invest the time it takes to create and complete quizzes if marks could be carried over.

Community Novice

As a new user of Canvas, I hope for a quick implementation of this important option. In my view, the ability to retry and step-wise improve your answers is so central to learning that I currently have to use other software for quizzes. Along the same lines, but specifically for formula-type of questions, I have also added the idea to https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/14813-keep-values-of-variables-on-quiz-multiple-attempts

Community Novice

I created a solution in form of a Chrome extension that does exactly that. 
Canvas Quiz Loader - Chrome Web Store 

Community Participant

I would love to see this implemented, as a lot of my formative assessments are "New Quizzes" quiz assignments and I require a certain score to move on.  A BETTER solution would be the ability for students to check their answers on a question-by-question basis and not have to wait until the end of the assignment.  Moodle does this.  After answering the question, a student clicks "CHECK".  If it correct, GREAT!  If incorrect, they can fix their mistake before moving on to the next question.  It is immediate feedback and the ability to correct the mistake at that point is more powerful for learning than waiting.  In Moodle, you can set whether or not there is any sort of point penalty for each reattempt of a question, so as to deter students from entering random answers the first time.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @brigwald , with respect to

...the ability for students to check their answers on a question-by-question basis and not have to wait until the end of the assignment

That idea is currently open for voting athttps://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/10660-new-quizzes-immediate-feedback-in-quizzes 

Community Novice

Not having this function is holding us back entirely, being the sole reason we are not fully online. Not sure if anyone else feels the extreme need for this to be built in but we certainly do.

Students should not have to re-do questions they have already gotten right. This is madness, it stops us from getting completions and the work around is not a great one.

I can see the orignial date for this post was in 2016! 

Community Member


On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 11:32 PM jo@serveitup.com.au <instructure@jiveon.com>

Community Member

The software to implement this is not that complicated. It just hasn't risen to the top of Canvas' list of priorities. Which is a shame because it increases student work load immensely and frustrates them to the point that they do not correct their work, thereby affecting their understanding of the material and their grade.

Community Member

If the quiz could allow the students to complete the incorrect answers ONLY without needing to complete the WHOLE quiz from the start would be perfect. Some quizzes are so long that students are left disheartened by the process.