[New Quizzes] Filter Moderate Quiz Page

Would it be possible to add a feature on the moderate quiz page on canvas so you could filter by section?

Thank you!

Community Novice

I would like this too - really would help as we have lots of classes.

Do to Canvas team actually read these suggestions though - it seems that there are an awful lot of requests for some key features, but little feedback to the customers.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@08768119  Instructure Canvas team members review every single idea and comment posted here. The product manager for New Quizzes is conducting active discussions in the New Quizzes Users Group, and we hope you'll join in.

Community Member

When I am moderating a quiz, I would like to be able to only see the students in the section that is currently taking the quiz. Can we filter it like that?

Community Novice

PLEASE! This was suggested almost a year ago and there is still not an option for this? Why?  Crosslisting is so convenient, until this.  I am lucky that I only have to crosslist 3 classes together and 2 classes togther, but I have coworkers that crosslist 5 classes.  Having 60 - 100 kids all randomly together is difficult... especially once students are finished and you are trying to filter through to adjust points as needed

Community Member

Yes, please. It would be so much easier if I could only looking at the students who are currently in my class to see if they are on task. Having to go to multiple pages and figure out who should be in the test right now is tough.


Community Member

I would love to see this as well. It's in the Quiz Stats, but not in Moderate. Thank you!

Community Member

Great idea!

Community Member

I agree-- this would be super helpful to be able to moderate by class period.

Community Contributor

When you open the Quiz Statistics in Classic Quizzes, you can filter the results by section. I would love to see this feature added to the Quiz and Item Analysis report in New Quizzes! Even better would be the ability to filter by section or by individual students.


Community Contributor

I'd love to see filter by section and by individual student.