[New Quizzes] Show and Hide Quiz Results by Date

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas LMS

Allow a show/hide date range for the "Let Students See Their Quiz Responses (Incorrect Questions Will Be Marked in Student Feedback)" quiz setting.

In order to maintain test security, instructors often want to limit students from viewing their quiz results until after the due date for the quiz has passed.  Currently, the correct answers can be set to be shown and hidden on given dates, but students will still be able to see the questions, their responses, incorrect answers, and feedback prior to this date, and if an instructor wants students only to be able to see their results but not correct answers, the only way to do this is to uncheck the "Let Students See Their Quiz Responses" option then manually go back and enable it once the due date (or other chosen date) has passed.

Please add a date range selector like the one that is there for Let Students See the Correct Answers: 

Screenshot of the quiz settings with date range selector for the Let Students See Their Quiz Results option

Community Member

I am using Classic Quizzes for now since the New Quizzes does not have the option to release the correct answers at a specific date (such as once the quiz closes). I would like to encourage Canvas to add this feature into the New Quizzes - most of my colleagues don't release quiz answers until after the quiz is due to discourage students from sharing answers as they often have a window of 24-48 hours to complete a quiz.

Community Participant

@SuSorensen  I want to share that I just sat at my desk and cried when I discovered that our faculty cannot hide correct responses until the due date has passed because this is the umpteenth thing that I will have to tell them is not an option in NQ. I have spent the last few weeks (since we announced the move to NQ) trying to share positive opportunities for this tool with faculty while beating my head against the desk behind my closed office door. I simply cannot believe Instructure is going to make this transition with such a poor replacement. 

Community Explorer

I agree, please put it in new quizzes.

Many of our instructor wish to not show students correct answer until after conclusion of quiz. To minimize one student taking quiz and then passing on answers to other students. Or as stated above, open quiz for review after a certain date when going into future quizzes (i.e.mid-term or final).

I understand that this can be done manually in new quizzes....but that is a lot of added work when we are used to being able to set dates in classic quizzes.

I don't see this feature on the comparison chart, or did I miss something?

Community Explorer

In "Classic Quizzes" you're able to specify the date and time when to let students see correct answers, in "New Quizzes", this feature is no longer offered.  We've had a few faculty members to inquire about this.  It would be great to see this feature offered in "New Quizzes" as well.

Community Member

Upvote! I don't like the "all or nothing" feature of "letting the students see the correct answers.

Community Member

Totally agree! I have no idea why if one selects "Let students see their quiz responses after each attempt", the date to display the correct answers is disabled.

I want my students to see their incorrect choices after their first attempt, but not see the correct answers until everybody has taken the quiz and the quiz is closed at a certain date and time.


Quiz setup Canvas.PNG

Community Member

I use this feature in the classic quizzes as well.... my students have come to rely on this timely feedback in their studies for exam preparation.  I too, am voting for this feature/setting to be enabled in the new quizzes.  

Community Member

Similar to the older version, please allow New Quiz results to be shown at a later date. Important if students are taking an assessment on consecutive days. 

Also, need ability to restrict duration of reviewing quiz after completed and graded. 

Community Explorer

Yes please!!!  🙂

Community Member

I see that this request was initiated in July 2019 and already has 62 votes.

When is Canvas going to implement ideas like this? Mind you this is not a request to add a "feature". This request/ticket is for fixing a "bug". Fixing an issue should have the highest priority and Canvas should not wait for getting enough "votes!"

Thank you!
