[New Quizzes] submission details for fill in the blank questions

Problem statement:

For fill-in-the-blank questions, from a bank (not sure if it happens when not from a bank), in New Quizzes, the submission details stacks up the correct/incorrect entries on the first one, rather than distributing each to its own question -- I included a screen shot of a student's result from my view as a comment to this thread. A student has also asked me about the stupid layout of the submission details on another assignment and sent me a similar screenshot of her view.

Proposed solution:

Make the correct/incorrect feedback line up with the actual question, instead of piling all of them on the first question.

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Community Participant

Here is the screen shot showing how the results for the four separate questions are all given on question 1. 

Screen Shot 2022-09-14 at 11.45.25 AM.png

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Community Champion

This is another issue that will keep us from being able to make the change to New Quizzes!

Community Contributor

@ellisonl15 , have you tried submitting a bug report for this.  We shouldn't have to submit feature requests to make the tool behave in a common-sense manner.

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Status changed to: New
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Community Explorer
Problem statement:

Teachers like to work with fill in the blanks questions to prepare students for exams. With the New Quizzes, however, the feedback on answers is only displayed for the whole question and not per gap, which often makes it unnecessarily complicated for students to assign the feedback to the blanks, especially if there are many blanks in a single question.

Proposed solution:

Allow the option to enter feedback per blank and display it to students. This would greatly simplify the allocation of feedback to gaps for students.

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