New UI: Use pictures for courses

  This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas
  Idea will be open for vote Wed. October 7, 2015 - Wed. January 6, 2015  Learn more about voting...


I couldn't find anything like this in the discussions already, so I hope I'm not being redundant!


It would be great if we could upload images for each course on the homepage rather than just selecting colors. I love the new theme editor and it would great to have just one more level of customization on the course page.





  Comments from Instructure


For more information, please read through the Canvas Production Release Notes (2016-08-27)

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Thank you for your submission,  @kerry_floyd ​. This idea will be open for vote during the next voting cycle (starting Oct. 7).

I've also shared this idea with the User Group: New UI​ and referenced the idea here: New UI - Image Tiles? and here: Dashboard Courses - Background Image?

Smiley Happy

Not applicable

That's what we want also from University College Northern Denmark. It could be so cool that our programs can design their courses with an image that says something about the content of the course.

Community Team
Community Team

FWIW, Deactivated user​ posted a comment here about a future enhancement to add pictures to course cards on the new UI dashboard:

Community Champion

I can definitely see the value in this and love that we would be able to add more customization to Canvas but I also see a few issues that would come up with image choices or disability support. 

I think having this as a permission "allow to change course image" because some institutions might prefer to have admins do this for quality control.  This could get messy fast at some institutions.

I would support this feature as long as there were new permissions associated with it.

Community Team
Community Team

 @millerjm ​, You share some great points. I think the added permission would be helpful. It would be nice for students to either use the institution- or teacher-chosen image or opt for a color of their choice. I think students would still need to be able to choose a color (regardless if an image or a color is seen on the course card) since that's attached to Calendars.

Community Contributor

This would make a great difference for young learners and the ease of finding the correct course!!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

At this time we still need to do some more research around adding images to course cards. As mentioned, there are a lot off questions around permissions that need to be addressed. We want to be very weary of just adding permissions on a whim. Permissions are complicated in general. We do not want to get in the habit of adding them without research or consideration.

The good news is that simply adding the ability to add an image is not overly expensive. We just need to figure out the ramifications around permissions.

Community Champion

YES! I'd like to be able to differentiate courses for students with images that mean more than random colors. So instead of Chemistry being green, it has an image of a beaker. Or the Geology class, instead of being brown, has a pic of a rock, and the Shakespeare class, instead of being orange, has an image of Shakespeare, etc. This puts less cognitive load on the students and instructors.


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

While we would love to be able to do this, there are large projects that are being worked on to provide a better workflow, consistency, and user experience. This feature is not going to be worked on in the next 6-12 months. When we have updates, we will be sure to post them! Thanks for submitting this feature request.

Community Champion

Drat! In so many other ways Canvas is very user-friendly. Wish it were easy

to find courses — especially sad that Language Learners and Learners with

Disabilities are being left behind in this lack of accessibility Smiley Sad

John Martin, Education PhD, Sr. Teaching & Learning Consultant, UW–Madison

tel: 608.556.3061 |

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On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 12:20 PM, <