No MISSING label for zero-point assignments

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

I like the new assignment labels and am glad to see the information presented prominently to both instructors and students. However, there is a problem with assignments that are set up with a zero-point value where the student receives zero or negative points. For example, this summer I had a class with extra-credit assignments. Students who chose not to do those assignments see a MISSING label on their grades page. Students who do not do extra-credit assignments ought not to receive feedback that is so punitively styled.

A second example is more important. Many of the assignments in my class this summer were group assignments, and I have students submit peer feedback using a Google Form. (It was a lot easier than using a Canvas survey.) I use the form results to calculate an adjustment for individual students on their group assignments, and I use a distinct Canvas assignment to give students the results of their team's survey and to adjust their individual scores for group assignments. The benefit to students is they see their peer-feedback survey results *and* the adjustment to individual scores in a distinct place on the Grades page. The problem now is that students who receive a zero (some groups function well) or a negative score also see the MISSING label, and there is no submission for this assignment.

Grade labels should be changed so that the MISSING label does not apply to assignments with a point value of zero. 

Comments from Instructure

The work on late and missing policies in September and December made it possible to manually remove a missing label from an assignment.  You can read more about these updates in the following releases

Community Team
Community Team

This idea is relative to the Priority: Gradebook Enhancements

There were also recent updates to how the current missing/late feature exists.  For more information, please read through the Canvas Beta Release Notes (2017-09-25) .

Community Coach
Community Coach

 @Renee_Carney  Thank You for your comment on this idea. It's great to see the followup to user comments and suggestions.

Community Team
Community Team

Thanks,  @ProfessorBeyrer ‌

Just a small change to my previous note.  The complete feature change is not being implemented yet, but the missing/late identification are being reverted back to act as they once did.

Community Champion

And I am still doing the happy dance. 🙂

Community Coach
Community Coach

Thanks Laura for introducing me to Smiley Happy


Panda does the happy dance.

Community Champion

Ohhhhh, that is ABSOLUTELY my pleasure! 🙂

Community Team
Community Team
This idea has been developed and is On Canvas Beta How do I access the Canvas beta environment?

The work on late and missing policies in September and December made it possible to manually remove a missing label from an assignment.  You can read more about these updates in the following releases

Community Participant

While some of these concerns have technically been addressed in the New Gradebook, the red "Missing" and "Late" labels can currently only be removed on a "student-by-student per assignment" basis. If interested, there is a related feature request open for voting: 

Community Champion

Thanks for that Idea link, Kimberly Smith.  Maybe it could be a choice for each assignment as well.

Community Member

I want to change the points for an assignment and if I already graded it, I would like the points to adjust to the new points, instead of having me grade it again...