Override final grade

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

It would be convenient if instructors could override the calculated final grade. Many faculty use the gradebook export to send grades to the student information system and there are sometimes factors in determining a final grade that are based on the discretion of the instructor.

This idea has been added to our product plan for Q1 2019 and will influence development within Canvas. To find more information about this idea’s related priority, please follow Priority: Gradebook Enhancements

:smileyinfo: Adding this idea to our product plan means we will be working on it, but it does not guarantee that it will be developed exactly as defined by the idea, or that it will be added to the production environment.


Read more about the feature idea process:

Comments from Instructure

For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2019-02-16) .

Community Member

erinhallmark Any idea on when this will be implemented?

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi, Luc,

This idea is part of the New Gradebook project, which is not yet completed. Unfortunately I don't have a targeted date for you, but keep watching this idea and any updates will be posted when available.



Community Team
Community Team

The Radar idea stage has been removed from the Feature Idea Process.  You can read more about why in the blog post Adaptation: Feature Idea Process Changes.


This change will only impact the stage sort of this idea and will not change how it is voted on or how it is considered during prioritization activities.  This change will streamline the list of ideas 'open for voting', making it easier for you to see the true top voted ideas in one sort, here.

Community Participant

I am confused. This is open for vote again? This feature was confirmed to be in development on August 19, 2016. In late 2017 it was then confirmed to be in the second phase of the new grade book. What changed?

Community Team
Community Team


Sorry for the confusion.  It is still connected to the Priority: Gradebook Enhancements‌, but since we no longer have a stage for these types of holding tanks it will not advance in stage until it is in fact in development.  

Community Participant

"it will not advance in stage until it is in fact in development" Again I bring up August 19,2016 when we were told this idea was "In Development." Was it moved out of development? If so, why? Was it a lie when we were told it was in development 2 years ago? I am a programmer and do not think this simple override function should take over 2 years to develop. Why the lack of transparency on this issue?

I'm sorry if I sound angry, but I am upset over this because when my institution FIRST signed our contract with Instructure we were promised that this overwrite feature would be available "very soon." This was over 2 years ago...

Community Team
Community Team

 @holmer ‌

Sorry for the miscommunication in this thread. In August 2016 we had misinterpreted the progress of the Priority: Gradebook Enhancements phase 1 and marked this as in development--I'll own this, it was my mistake.  My mistake got worse in Nov 2017 when I marked this idea as in beta, with the completion of phase 1. (and this is where I admit how difficult it can be to track numerous large priorities sometimes--and apologize.  Thankfully these mistakes do not happen often at all).  I was so grateful to Erin who caught this within days, and provided more clarification that this was actually slotted for phase 2, which has not been completed yet.

Community Novice

Please add this as soon as possible. This is the single reason that we did not adopt Canvas over Sakai for my class this year. There are a lot of things that just work better on Sakai when pushing out content to a large class. 

Community Novice

This lack of override is one of the biggest problems with Canvas. Everyone I have talked to in my department feels the same way. 

Community Champion

It's also my understanding that New Gradebook Phase 2 development was put on hold, while they prioritized and developed Anonymous & Moderated Marking, which impacts the same codebase.