[People] Sort Students in People List: Course

@people list is alphabetical by last names, which is not helpful. Please add sorting function by "First Name", "Section", "last Activity" and "Total Activity". All other tabular lists should be sort-able as well.

Add Group to the columns and Sort by group is needed as well. Jan 26, 2018 @kristine Hansen @dale Anne Davidson

Profile Picture Name Login ID SIS ID Section Role Last Activity Total Activity


The sorting function has been available in Proctorio Exam Results for a while.

When will the Canvas development team pay their attention to this as a production priority because an overall sorting function is required for ALL tabular lists in Canvas!!

Community Contributor

Yes, I have done this too, Anne.  For whatever reason, one has to be careful swiping through the data, but it does work.  I have not been successful exporting the list to html, and then importing the html file into Excel.  James Jones' idea seems to be even a little more elegant.

But we have to go through some gyrations to do what should be a basic feature or features of Canvas.  In my university's enrollment system, I can sort a list of students by any column, and easily export it to CSV, Excel, or XML (see graphic).  These two features, sort, and export, have been available for over five years.  Why Canvas can't implement them is beyond me.  Certainly, this feature request has received the required votes. I think that it is good to keep this discussion going.


Community Novice

Agree completely that the feature should be implemented.


Community Member

Voted! This should be a basic feature. Not being able to sort different columns on the PEOPLE page is a major limitation.

Community Novice

I need to be able to quickly tell if there are 2 John's in the same class.  I cannot do this anywhere in Canvas easily.  I'd like to be able to sort by first name in Grades and in People views.

Workaround: Display by first name in the Grade view.  Export the grades.  Sort by first column.  🙂

Community Novice

I don't understand why Canvas wouldn't add this feature. It's the kind of thing that any programmer can do in 15 minutes as a matter of total routine, yet it seems to me an essential feature. If I am not mistaken, old versions of Canvas actually had this feature, but perhaps my university had a different system back then.

At any rate: Come on, guys, don't make a fuss, just add a sorting feature.

Community Contributor

This is an essential feature to teachers in K-12 being able to quickly update 'attendance' in their SIS based on last activity in their Canvas courses. Critical to our efforts to provide remote/online instruction this school year and to allow teachers to save tremendous amounts of time, too.

Community Contributor

Preferable to a column sort would be a section filter, just to the right of the roles filter on the People page.

Community Participant

This would be SO incredibly helpful, especially given the current needs of PK-12 teacher users. 

Community Explorer

"Last Activity" and "Total Activity" sorting would be very helpful to teachers who are using LMS engagement as a means to quantify attendance. Please consider this. Thank you!

Community Explorer

Oh my god trying to audit student enrollments in different sections is a nightmare because there's no easy way to sort or filter by section, in People or Settings! People can only show all the students at once, and viewing the sections in Settings only shows all students AND observers! 

Hunting for individual student names is a slog and waste of time when I could easily confirm names with a better sorting tool.