Recurring Activity Option for Calendar

  This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

  Idea will be open for vote May 5th - August 5th, 2015  Learn more about voting...




The calendar application is great! When I learned about it, it made it much easier to view all of my upcoming assignments. As part of my assignment for the calendar tutorial I had to add events.


I found it a bit time consuming to enter the same event on multiple days. I think it would be more efficient if there was a "recurring" option when entering events. Also if the calendar was able to link to Google's calendar that would be ideal too!


Given that many of today's smartphones are equipped with Google it would be easy to view our canvas calendar events on our google events all at once.

Just some ideas Thanks!



  Comments from Instructure...

"Batch Event Creator" has been released in Canvas Beta Release Notes (2015-09-08)


October 2015 Update

Thank you to everyone that provided feedback to assist us in processing this idea.  The consensus is that the "Recurring Events" feature meets a majority of needs (40%-meets my needs, 60%-partially meets my needs, 0%-does not meet my needs).


We are going to mark this feature as complete.  If you are seeking additional advancements to the calendar, please begin by searching the Canvas Feature Ideas for ideas that have already been submitted.  Don't see what you are looking for?  New ideas can be submitted via a new feature idea.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Yay! Thanks for the update erinhallmark​!

Community Team
Community Team

We are really excited to hear that "Batch Event Creator" has been released in Beta and "Batch Event Delete" is on the horizon.  We now need your feedback as we move forward in addressing

Please help us by filling out a quick survey.​

Thank you.

Community Contributor

 @Renee_Carney ​

I can't seem to get to the survey from your link.

Community Team
Community Team

Thank you.   Fixing it now.

Community Team
Community Team

Corrected!  Here is the direct link just in case!

Community Champion

While testing it I made the mistake not to subtract the count of the original item from the total, so I ended up with 5 items, not 4 (my mistake, because the repeat count is asked. So for a total of 4 items you would create one item and set repeat to 3 and it does the job well.

My logic would be to to set the total amount of occurrences instead of dividing it into 1 original plus the repeat count. Although I am a huge google fan, this time the MS Outlook approach is my favorite.

Anyone else sharing this logic?.

Community Champion

Daylight saving times.

I discovered that when creating multiple items during summer time, where some items take place during winter time, these times are one hour too early. To illustrate:


Creates these items:


This should be 10:00 am in all occurrences or shouldn't it?

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Not sure why that would be happening...Daylight savings doesn't end until November 1, so it doesn't explain Oct. 26th being wrong. We'll have someone look at this.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Update: Bug is unique to UTC+1:00, we think we know the cause.

Community Champion

Since this idea is probably getting some "fresh eyeballs" this week with its forthcoming release, I wanted to take the opportunity to promote a related idea that's currently open for voting: