[Reports] Export course People list (including Teachers, TA, Support, etc.)
There are times when we want to export all users enrolled in a course (everyone in the People) tab. For example, there may be a custom course that repeats each year with the same instructors (sometimes a large number of instructors). Currently, we need to keep a list of the login IDs for those instructors in a separate document so they can be re-added to each new version of the course. We'd like to be able to export the user list from the previous version of the course, sort by role type, and then re-add the instructors to the new course. There are also other use cases for exporting the entire course enrollment, not just the students (which can be done via Gradebook export).
Just as you can export the Gradebook to get a list of students in a course, we'd like an "Export Roster" button in the People tab to export a list of all users enrolled in the course and their corresponding role(s) and section affiliation(s) in the course. Ideally, there would be an option to export just specific sections or all sections in a course to allow flexibility for multiple use cases.