[Rich Content Editor] Have Cursor Remain on Same Spot on Page When You Switch Between the Rich Content Editor and the HTML Editor

I know there are several good ideas about improving the HTML editor including making it easier to read the HTML. I think one thing that would be beneficial is to have my cursor remain on the same spot of the page when I move between the Rich Content Editor and the HTML Editor. Right now, when I switch to the HTML editor from the Rich Content Editor I am moved to the bottom of the page. I would love if it stayed on the same spot of the page. 


For example if my cursor is right after this heading in the Rich Content Editor:

275458_Rich Content Editor Cursor.PNG


I want the HTML Editor to open up at the same spot like this:


275472_Cursor in Same Spot HTML Editor.PNG

And then when I switch from the HTML Editor back to the Rich Content Editor I think it would be really helpful to have my cursor do the same and remain in the same spot. Right now I have to search back to where I was whenever I switch between the two.

Community Contributor

This would be so helpful.  Searching through the HTML on a complex page can be a time waster--even if you know HTML.  This would make it much easier for users of all skill levels to create better courses without as much risk of fouling something up. 

Community Coach
Community Coach

Excellent point. I don't like when I'm getting someone to peek behind the curtain and want to show something in particular (like how to align an image) but then have to spend a precious few seconds trying to find the appropriate place within the code.

Community Contributor

A Highlighted area would also be great to retain when switching between RCE and HTML view,  @timothy_maw ‌, though I'd be thrilled with either the cursor remaining or a highlight--similar to the circling you have in your image.  

Community Champion

I agree that would be nice. At this point I'd take any change to fix the HTML editor though.

Community Participant

I work with a team of instructional designers who again requested this feature now that the Pretty HTML Editor (https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Releases/Canvas-Release-Notes-2021-02-20/ta-p/434781/page/2/show-...) has been released. We really like the more readable HTML, but searching for the exact part that needs editing can be tedious when switching between Rich Text and HTML views.

Community Member

It would really speed up hunting for the spot I was in. This would be an incredible update. 

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