[Rich Content Editor] Scribd previewing not available in groups.
Very simply, when you highlight a phrase in the content editor, and link it to a file type that is supported by "scribd," (e.g., "Word" or "PDF"), it should display a preview icon that the student can select and view the document right then and there.
But that ability to preview is not available when the content editor is used in a group, I have discovered.
I'm hoping this is a simple fix. Just make sure that the code " <a class "instructure_file_link instructure_scribd_file" is entered whenever you link a text phrase in the content editor to a file, within a group.
Right now, the only code that's added is " <a class "instructure_file_link">.
I spent a couple of hours trying to figure this out, and finally Canvas support sent me a very helpful email that explained that it was the code I've referenced (" <a class "instructure_file_link instructure_scribd_file"), that is missing.
I manually entered the code into a link in the content editor within a group, and the scribd preview function worked.
Needless to say, I cannot expect faculty to go into the HTML editor and paste this code. I will be tarred, feathered, strung up, and otherwise eviscerated like William Wallace (Braveheart) if I make that recommendation.
Glen Gummess
Instructional Designer,
University of St. Francis
Joliet, IL.