[Rubrics] Comments Library - access in Rubric comments

I like the the new  Comments Library feature.  I would like to see it expanded so that the library would also be accessible in the Comments within a rubric.  I use rubrics for grading just about everything and I make comments within the specific rubric criteria rather than using the general Comments, since it makes it more relevant.

See https://www.screencast.com/t/TydcEwMn8ll


Community Participant

It would only be logical for the comments library function to extend to rubrics. At the very least I think there should be an option to delete existing saved comments which doesn't seem to be the case currently. But functionality on par with the general speedgrader comments library would be great.

Community Explorer
Problem statement:

The ability to save and reuse comments made in freeform rubrics has been IMMENSELY helpful. However, I prefer to use scaled rubrics -- they help me maintain consistency in how I am awarding points in categories where it is possible for students to meet part but not all of the requirements. It would be awesome to have the ability to save and reuse comments in scaled rubrics, especially in cases where I provide explanation for why the missed target is important, as well as giving guidance on what else the student would need to do to meet the target -- even though students' mistakes may be unique, the same guidance often applies.

Proposed solution:

Please add the capacity to save and reuse grading comments within scaled rubrics, the same way comments can be saved and selected from a dropdown menu in freeform rubrics.

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Community Member

This is a good idea, handy and many professors would use this.

Community Explorer

Our faculty are using rubrics and would like the comment library to extend to the rubric comments.

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Status changed to: New
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Community Explorer
Problem statement:

Instructors who make the same consistent comments every time when grading assignments. For example, when grading speeches. They may say the following comments: Excellent job on eye contact, good connection with the audience Eye contact needs work- try to get away from your notes and look at the audience Read the entire speech- no eye contact was given

Proposed solution:

Giving instructors the ability to pre-load 3-4 (or more comments) under each of the criteria, it would be a massive time saver for faculty and still assist in giving students effective feedback.

User role(s):


Community Explorer
Problem statement:

the "Save this comment for reuse" checkbox does not appear when using ratings to grade using Speedgrader; I have found a work around that I create saved comments when the "I'll write free-form comments when assessing students" box is checked, then change the rubric to ratings/uncheck "I'll write free-form comments when assessing students". However, if I want to save any new comments for reuse, then I have to change the rubric back to "I'll write free-form comments when assessing students", save any comments for reuse, and then change the rubric back to ratings again.

Proposed solution:

Solution: add "Save this comment for reuse" checkbox to ratings rubric WHY: to allow for providing feedback AND ratings/grading, and allows for much more efficient instructor grading

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Community Explorer

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