[Rubrics] Warning When Editing a Rubric and Moving Away from the Rubric

Problem statement:

When an instructor is creating a Rubric and clicks off that rubric to edit the actual assignment, all the work that they did to that rubric disappears. For instance, if you have an instructor that has already created their assignment, then they click +Rubric at the bottom of the page to add the rubric, they then get this new pop-up window to create their rubric. While editing/creating that rubric, they like the wording that they have in the rubric and decide to mirror that new wording in their assignment. When they click the assignment the new rubric disappears and they have to start all over again, there is no warning that the work they just did is not going to be saved.

Proposed solution:

We are hoping that when you click away from the rubric, Canvas gives you a warning to save that rubric. That way, the rubric you were working on would get the change to be saved, versus it just disappearing. Just like when you are editing a page, it gives you a warning when you move away from that page.

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Status changed to: Seeking Clarity

Hi @bfryman -

Thank you for sharing this idea! I found a related idea that may solve the same problem, but I wanted to check with you before merging the threads. I know you mentioned a warning, but if the rubric items were automatically saved, the content would be preserved, still solving the problem of navigating away from the rubric being created and losing text/settings that were already entered.

[Rubrics] Assignment Rubric auto-save 

Community Explorer

I think I personally would rather have the warning. If it just automatically saves, I feel like instructors might not know that it saved and then start a new one vs a warning in which you would be prompted to press save and know that it saved.  I would be ok with the automatic save if a pop-up window were to come up and say that the rubric has been saved. 

Community Team
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Status changed to: New
Status changed to: Added to Theme
Community Explorer
Problem statement:

If a teacher/grader does not save typed comments and scores on a rubric before moving on to the next student, the notes/scores do not save.

Proposed solution:

Could a popup or error message be added to alert a teacher that their work has not been saved in a similar function to when a "comment is not posted"? The comments do not save automatically on a rubric.

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Community Team
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Status changed to: New
Community Team
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Status changed to: New
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Status changed to: Open
Community Participant
Problem statement:

Canvas has the feature which allows instructor to create and edit rubrics which can be added to an assignment. When an instructor edits the criteria in an existing rubric, there is no warning or note that lets the instructor know they need to click the save button twice to save their changes otherwise the changes will be lost. To save the changes made to a criterion, the instructor will need to click Update Criterion, then Update Rubric. If the instructor did not click both of these buttons, the changes will be lost

Proposed solution:

Add a warning or text note to the Edit Rubrics page

User role(s):


Community Member
Problem statement:

When using a rubric to grade on Speed Grader it is possible to enter information on the rubric then click on to teh next student without saving the rubric data. This is really, really frustrating. When grading a large set of papers it's easy to forget to save and not notice until the end of the set of papers that several will have to be re-read and re-graded.

Proposed solution:

Pretty simple fix: Put a warning so that when one tries to leave a page with info / data on the rubric, they get a message prompting them to return to the rubric and save or choose to move on. THis feature already exists. That is this would be essentially the same warning that one gets when they add a comment but try to leave the page without submitting. Seems easy and it would help everyone who uses rubrics in SpeedGrader.

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